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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Well, they would've been there if it weren't raining, and not a Tuesday. So the reporting is close enough for me.
  2. According to this article, Bennett became the 20th candidate to qualify for the June debates. Alas, no deBlasio yet. There's still a little time for him to squeak in. https://www.politico.com/story/2019/06/04/michael-bennet-polling-criteria-2020-debates-1352729
  3. My sister (lives in WNY) knits and she went to a yarn shop in Scottsdale. She saw someone she knows there. See what I’m doing?
  4. Leave them alone, I say. If people don’t know what they’re getting into by this time, that’s their own fault. Off the top of my head maybe the best example is how big tobacco was treated. People still smoke. Maybe the FTC should go through the process to shed sunlight on their operations a bit, but that’s about it. Even then, that’s going pretty far.
  5. Awful. But I understand you were responding to a lady. Could’ve gone in a few unseemly directions there.
  6. Reservoir levels when Obama was President. https://www.theatlantic.com/photo/2014/09/dramatic-photos-of-californias-historic-drought/100804/
  7. At BEST, that’s a completely disingenuous use of […] when reporting someone’s words. That’s the kind of crap that pisses off judges, and rightly so.
  8. We who are not President Trump are all 1000% innocent unless someone can prove otherwise. Mueller said so himself.
  9. How do you get a 2 minute slashing penalty for hitting someone’s stick with your own? What a bad call.
  10. Maybe they’ve got the old ice boom timbers laying around. They were 30 feet long each. They were used for just over 25 years, and they’ve been out of use for almost 25. https://www.ijc.org/en/all-about-lake-erie-niagara-river-ice-boom-0
  11. No. Not in the least. Kim lies and is duplicitous, like his father and his grandfather. I don't care who Kim mocks. It doesn't mean that he wants Trump to win. It doesn't mean anything. Oh boy! I'm looking forward to that working so well. After two years, you haven't figured out how Trump works.
  12. So when Biden wins in 2020, how will he deal with NKorea in a way that's different than Trump? Will he go to war? Is that what you want the President to do? I'm sure that some time during his decades in the Senate and 8 years as VP, Biden has come up with the working formula. He just hasn't had the right opportunity to present it, yeah? Oh yeah, China's a ***** bed of roses thanks to their benevolent dictators. According to China, Bolton's move is deplorable ? .
  13. Please God can they retire Hotel California already? Skynard gets three in the top 20 but no Allman Bros, no Beatles, not Dylan and the Stones come in with Satisfaction.
  14. Not too bad on Long Island this year — though maybe because we has a lot of rain. All the trees have their leaves. I’d expect the worst of it is done.
  15. They should get together. They'd have 30 out of 33 States (there is NO crossover presently). Though the national popular vote wouldn't need 33 to effectively take effect, they just need to get to 270 electoral votes. I wonder if that would withstand a court challenge.
  16. I guess they can make the amendment by getting 2/3 of the states to pass it and they can call a convention. I wonder which idea will get to 2/3 first -- this popular vote idea, or the "convention of states" that's been passed by 15 States so far.
  17. Was listening to BBC this morning. They politely said that May was dealt a bad hand -- and played it poorly. That's a pretty good summary. As for successor, they were talking about Boris Johnson or Jeremy Hunt. It wouldn't be Corbyn without a new election, because he's Labor. They were saying that the Europeans hate Johnson and it would be interesting to see what would happen with Brexit if he were the one.
  18. To be fair, he was sitting next to deBlasio. That guy sucks all the life out of a room, like a Nazgul.
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