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Everything posted by snafu

  1. If it is a female, name it Tom Brady. A b***h who squats to pee.
  2. Pink pu$$y hats. Been there, done that. It would be a badge of honor.
  3. Wait, did anyone ever check to see if the Israelis hacked the DNC?
  4. A long way to go... June, 2105: R’s *** Jeb leads the GOP pack: A brand-new national NBC/WSJ poll finds Jeb Bush leading the crowded Republican presidential field, with 22% of GOP primary voters saying he’s their first choice. He’s followed by Scott Walker at 17%, Marco Rubio at 14%, and Ben Carson at 11%. D’s Clinton is dominating the Democratic field, leading Sanders nationally by a whopping 60 points. Seventy-five percent of national Democratic primary voters say Clinton is their first choice for the nomination, and just 15 percent say the same of Sanders, who serves in the Senate as an Independent, according to the new poll.
  5. Two weeks ago, I told my kids (4) that I was holding a Father's Day Rehearsal. It went perfectly. I was putzing around my yard, grilling meat, smoking a cigar and drinking beer. The weather was perfect. Last week I told them that I had to work out a couple kinks in the FD festivities. The weather was great and things went pretty much as planned. Today the weather is epected to be rainy in the afternoon. This is why I have rehearsals. Next week is Fathers Day "recap". Happ Father's Day to all!!!
  6. Here are the lineups for the debates. My man deBaggio is on stage in the first group. I’m hoping NBC just hands a cudgel to each candidate to use for their rebuttals. Each candidate gets one whack at one other candidate. Whichever candidate gets whacked most moves on, as he or she is obviously the biggest threat to the others. I think this is the fairest way to proceed. https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2020-election/nbc-announces-lineup-democrats-each-two-nights-first-2020-debate-n1017676
  7. Maybe the guy’s nuts are small. Bug nuts = felony.
  8. Bill deBlasio is certainly doing his best to make me love him. I pray he makes the debates.
  9. The new guy has three first names. Not a good sign.
  10. I'm a lifelong Sox fan and I still want to say something snarky, but I won't. The guy got shot. No reason to kick him after that. I hope he has a speedy and full recovery.
  11. No, I’d never advocate that. The original question of this thread was whether there should be some sort of regulation covering pit bulls and their owners. My analogy tried to point out that our society regulates matters that kill or maim fewer people than pit bulls (rightly so or not). Some people in this thread think this is a ridiculous idea and have pointed to the fact that there are relatively few deaths:number of dogs. That shouldn’t be a factor.
  12. Blues are playing like they want to close this out tonite. I would be surprised if they don’t tie it up here in the second period.
  13. I’ve got a different analogy. Airbag recall. There are millions of cars with potentially faulty airbags that can go off any time. Those (more cars than pit bulls) airbags have killed and injured fewer people than pit bulls (fewer dogs than cars) yet there was a massive recall of all the autos with those airbags installed.
  14. snafu improvement: Try that but with more honey and the slice of bread in the middle. If you let the sandwich sit for a couple minutes, that middle slice gets the slightest bit crunchy from the honey. Sloppy. The honey needs to be contained.
  15. The only thing I’d add to this is that there were rumblings that one reason China backed out of its trade agreement with the US at the last minute (prompting the latest round of tariff escalation) is because China may think our economy is weakening, and maybe they can wait us out. Whether that’s true or not, more/new tariffs with Mexico will only add to that thought. Also, it is better to unify our economy with our existing trading partners against China rather than push current partners away and force other options upon countries like Mexico to do business. Truthfully, though, it is too early to tell whether re-organizing supply chains will be permanent and beneficial or harmful to us or any other country in the long run.
  16. I was just thinking about this. I love a good peanut butter and honey sandwich on wheat. Must be a triple decker though. That way the honey doesn't ooze through the bread. Edit: that's not my go-to to cook.
  17. Nobody should wear an outfit like that while driving a car like that.
  18. Was Merkel invited there to represent the good people on the other side?
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