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Everything posted by snafu

  1. She’s got Señor Wencis hand.
  2. If the pot has a lid and one handle, I’d prefer to be the pot. If not, I’d accept kettle.
  3. I see Tom as more like this https://images.app.goo.gl/nkyRXwJRJ11xURzr9
  4. What would your avatar have been if your name of choice was allowed?
  5. I’m just chiming in to let you know that you took that the wrong way.
  6. And once again, I pointed out that it seems highly hypocritical for you to point out her history while Trump sits in the Oval Office. That's how this started. And, again, I know that there's a difference between the two. And, again, you didn't bother to point out the difference until after I called you out. This has has devolved into stupidity. I'm leaving it aside from here in out. You can if you like -- or not.
  7. So the scooters can be used as zebra mussel lures? That's great!
  8. Where in those 11 posts did you explain that? You did later. Not before. I know your history of posting and I think you are better than those 11 posts. If you want to talk about the fact that she didn't "blow" her opportunity by making it to CA AG, CA Senator, and presidential hopeful, then fine. Talk about her crappy platform. I'm not trying to pick a fight. Just saying that you calling her a ***** for the sake of calling her a ***** is lame. Repeating it over and over is worse. Edit: "*****" = "w h o r e"
  9. @IDBillzFan I get it, the real point is that she earned her promotions in a way that’s hypocritical. That wasn’t 3rdlng’s message until AFTER all these posts — it was yours. He might have been thinking it, but his posts were simple ad homenim attacks.
  10. You’re correct. And I’m sure that will be her downfall, if proof exists. If so, I’d bet on Gillibrand being the one who leaks it.
  11. I’m sure people thought that about Jeb Bush about 4 years ago.
  12. Your President is Trump, and you’re coming off as a single-minded misogynist. I’m no Harris fan, but your entendres are lame, repetitive and obvious.
  13. Everyone on that stage last night (even the weird lady on the left and Swalwell) ran circles around Biden last night. It is only going to get worse for him. You'd be wise to count him out.
  14. You have a hard time picturing your President having extramarital sex and mouthing off? You're serious? Am I missing the sarcasm?
  15. They really ought to install cell signal jammers in cars that are activated when in gear.
  16. Bro. There's stupid, bad drivers everywhere. But come drive the 5 boroughs to see stupid, bad drivers in concentrated numbers. I love driving from NYC to Buffalo and hitting Binghamton at 5:15 and there's about a mile of back up -- and the drivers look like they're about to blow their tops! Here is something that must be on every written and road test: if you're in a fender-bender and nobody is hurt, move your ***** vehicle to the shoulder. The law should be that if you DON'T get your ***** out of the way, then your ***** will be towed and impounded, and your license suspended for 90 days.
  17. She smacked him around pretty good. Joe is dead in the water. How could he not be prepared to be attacked? Major failure.
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