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Everything posted by snafu

  1. https://apple.news/ACi7zB2HLR_6ajvr7ESzWfg This thread feels like the right place for this story. Who knew you can’t eat clams in Thailand.
  2. His argument isn’t that states don’t necessarily care, they obviously do care. Perhaps several states don’t believe that ameding their laws will prove to safeguard their elections. There are most likely several measures that can be undertaken — or don’t need to be taken. I’m positive that laws don’t need to be passed to make elections “safer”.. Do you think there’s no internal review going on or measures being taken? You say that the only conclusion to be drawn is that Republicans don’t care, as long as cheating goes their way? That’s ridiculous. There are predominantly Republican-controlled states and predominantly Democrat-controlled states. Are only D states doing something to safeguard elections? What laws have they passed? What internal measures have they undertaken? Have any R states made any changes or review? It is a states-rights argument. It is absolutely correct. The solution to every problem is not a Fedarally mandated one.
  3. I was going to ask if she appeared in Spinal Tap.
  4. I'm all for the entertainment value of these debates, but WHY? Holy Moses what a waste of airtime for her to talk about anything.
  5. This fits right in with the fact that he's the worst EVERYTHING of all time. Of course he'd be the worst Putin puppet of all time.
  6. I wonder whether the D Committee will put Harris up against Biden later this month, or keep her away from him so he can’t hit her back.
  7. I watched until the rain delay. We were killing them for the first 14 minutes. I’ll go back and watch the balance after my cigar.
  8. No mention yet of Grateful Dead Europe 72? I loved The Name of This Band is Talking Heads. Memories (can’t wait) is one of my favorite songs from that one. Both are triple albums.
  9. Wait, wut? Did they buy one from Pakistan?
  10. That's a great bumper sticker. Maybe a t-shirt. Also, when you go to the D Convention next year, you can make a placard and wave it around.
  11. I bet that's the leftover fireworks from Election Night 2016 that Clinton's campaign already paid for!. Thanks Hillary!!!!
  12. Here is an article on international reaction from May 8, 2019. Not as straightforward as you make it out. Note: Trump's overlord, Putin, agrees with you. https://www.dw.com/en/iran-scraps-some-commitments-to-nuclear-deal/a-48646060
  13. https://dailycaller.com/2019/06/29/sexiest-countries-ukraine-america-rankings/ ukraine #1 in something.
  14. That sounds about right for Vesey. He should contribute if that’s his role.
  15. Well it could be that. Or Facebook was preparing something really big.
  16. Not for nothing, but where’s the international outrage from all the countries that are still IN the agreement with Iran? They should be pissed off that Iran breached its agreement with them. We walked away from the agreement, those other countries didn’t. Why don’t they enforce it? Oh yeah, because they’re all pu$$ies.
  17. Vesey for a 3rd is fine. The Sabres better not just stick him on Jack's line just because they are buddies.
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