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Everything posted by snafu

  1. IMO its Warren. She’s the only one who can respond coherently when attacked. Problem is that she’s planted her flag too far to the left.
  2. ^^^^ Thats my all time favorite scene from Police Squad!
  3. Summary of latest polling numbers. Biden stays in a comfortable lead. Warren moves up. Harris down a bit. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2020/president/us/2020_democratic_presidential_nomination-6730.html
  4. Dont know. I bet this guy might be able to answer. https://www.guinnessworldrecords.com/world-records/longest-nose-on-a-living-person?fb_comment_id=961833327178208_989358781092329
  5. Woah dude, not only do you drink in the shower, but you HOP in it, too!!?? Frikkin living on the edge.
  6. I don't pick my nose so much as I choose it. Picking one's nose it one of life's simple pleasures.
  7. Warren: I put a policy on the table and nobody wants to talk about it. Unsaid response: because it is a suckass policy.
  8. Bernie can’t win with his angry Socialist schtik. He might get close, but can’t win it all.
  9. Case in point: Warren cracking Delaney over the head.
  10. Bullock talks like a drunk dude that talks politics at a wake. This group tonite are trying to knock Bernie down but at the same time they are deferring way too much to him. So far he’s the only one with any gravitas.
  11. That's been this administration's m.o. from the start. Tear up an agreement and make a new agreement even if it is nearly identical. Some countries want to participate, others don't.
  12. I don't think we wanted to stick to a treaty that limited us from developing mid range missiles when we saw other countries not limited (because they weren't part of the treaty) and developing with impunity. Let alone Russia's breaches, nothing stopped China or Iran or NKorea or any other country from building up their arms.
  13. This would've helped my oldest -- Daughter. Maybe she's the exception to the rule. Starting out in the wrong spot certainly adds time and effort to reach the goal. All I ask is that she keep moving in the right direction. She's on that bumpy dirt path that runs parallel to the road, but she's going the right way! As for #2 Daughter, a completely different story.
  14. Recap... Pelosi: blah blah slur slur Nadler: blahblah Schiff: blah blah thank you Mueller Cummings: blah blah picture blah Q#1 from the press to Pelosi: will today change your view on impeachment? Pelosi: mumble mumble. No, it won’t. If I were able to ask Q#2 it would have been: then what the ***** are you doing?
  15. I've been stuck at work all day. Haven't seen any footage or photos and only caught the first hour on the radio. The most disturbing thing about Mueller is that he apparently only owns one tie.
  16. I don’t feel bad for him at all. He didn’t have to run this time around and he would have been trashed 4 years ago. He came “late” to this race complete with his own cloud of illusion. Now the smoke is clearing he’s getting trashed. And the party will only abandon him for as long as he’s running. As soon as he’s out they will soothe his spurious legacy again.
  17. Tulsi Gabbard takes a swipe at Harris. Calls her unfit to be President. https://apple.news/A1OoOewijRKerWpMCCs05-w
  18. I was too young to follow at the time but I bet Ted was happy the moon landing took all the headlines the following day.
  19. Gotta keep the entertainment value pumped up. That, and he's the way-left kook prog candidate who makes the *not* kook progs look less kooky. That's deB's job and the Dem leadership knows it -- even though deB doesn't. I think they're trying their best to politely show Biden the door, but the polls keep bobbing him up to the top.
  20. I liked the Vesey move. I think when this team develops its talent, he could be one of those fourth line guys who can actually finish the chances that his linemates give him. He can kill penalties and contribute on the second PP. When the move was made, my only reaction was hope that they don't try to jam him into a first or second line role.
  21. This is a relative thing. Full size bathing suits might look like mico bikinis on some beachgoers.
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