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Everything posted by snafu

  1. He got 60% in 2016 against "best candidate ever". He's at 21% now against a bunch of nobodies, and Biden. He can't just chalk the huge difference up to the fact that there are a bunch of other candidates.
  2. He yapped. Now he’s an Arizona Cardinals fan. Ya follow?
  3. Angry all the time, are ya? Thats not good for your health. https://health.usnews.com/wellness/mind/articles/2017-10-26/the-physical-and-mental-toll-of-being-angry-all-the-time The list of ways chronic anger can affect a person’s well-being – and even put the health of others in peril – is long, Schinnerer says. “It’s been linked to obesity, low self-esteem, migraines, drug and alcohol addiction, depression, sexual performance problems, increased heart attack risk, lower-quality relationships, higher probability of abusing others emotionally or physically or both … higher blood pressure and stroke,” he notes. Chronic anger also leads to increased anxiety, insomnia, mental or brain fog and fatigue, Thaik says. And it can reduce the immune system's ability to fend off threats, leading to an increased risk of infection, and even possibly cancer, she adds.
  4. Its a tie for me, but I saw them both play the same show (they would alternate a few songs at a time). This was at the Nassau Coliseum (Billy Joel's home crowd) and Elton John was hands down a better performer that particular night.
  5. Usually people poop in a bathroom and the treatment plant filters it. I'd reckon that the ratio of fish poop to human poop is very high in a reservoir. I doubt the main algae culprit is human waste.
  6. yeah. human crap is gross and sits there for too long. fish crap is just fine though.
  7. He paid. Good riddance. If they can still investigate, charge and convict others without him, then all the better he’s gone quickly.
  8. This is a really ironic post considering that most of the free press loathes trump and he really hasn’t taken any action to get rid of it. One could easily argue that your Hitler/wannabe strongman is likely a Democrat, since the majority of mainstream media outlets are fairly liberal. Calling them fake news isn’t getting rid of the press. Calling them out on BS isn’t squashing them. Trump hasn’t slowed them down at all. He’s either really bad at this Hitler thing, or he’s not doing the Hitler thing at all.
  9. Botteril —“He says they gave him a free bowl of soup when he bought that hat.” Beane —“It’s a little hot for soup.”
  10. Right in the heart of the Bermuda Triangle, sheeple.
  11. There’s opportunity, and there’s opportunity in every tragedy. It just takes special people to step up and take advantage.
  12. You got em. For the baby and parents and for the doctors and nurses.
  13. Perhaps. But today it is still nonsense. Not calling your point nonsense, but I think the NFL catches up to everyone, eventually.
  14. I bet Putin learned how to put down a protest from Macron. I think Putin is a Macron puppet. Same for the Chinese in Hong Kong. Macron puppets!
  15. What if a “legit” third party candidate gets in the race?
  16. Right. We live in the information age -- until we don't. And you and I independently came to the same conclusion about that -- which makes us "you guys". I'd rather be a "you guy" than a "that guy".
  17. Who the eff are "you guys"? I am me. Others are who they are. Keep that straight. Back to your crusading, yes? This isn't a case of anyone out to "get" anyone else. It appears to clearly be a case of someone trying to protect someone else. It is an obvious move to make getting the information more difficult today than it was yesterday. I'll take your response to my question as a "no". You don't see the difference.
  18. You don't see the difference between anonymous searches for information vs. requests made to a gatekeeper who can (a) keep track of anyone who makes a request, and (b) potentially hold back information without the requester knowing it? One is less "free" than the other, no?
  19. Might at well just call them "feet" because that's what they smell like.
  20. I agree. If progressives were smart and patient they’d quietly step aside and let Biden take the nomination (though Sanders and Warren won’t let that happen — this is their only chance). If he wins that’s okay for the party. If he loses, they can claim that the middle-road Dem platform is dead. It would free the far left up to take the mantle going forward from 2020. To me, that’s the interesting thing about the Democrats this cycle. Which pole of the party is going to declare primacy in November 2020.
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