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Everything posted by snafu

  1. finger pour shiny Sorry, I can only come up with NSFW sentences.
  2. So Comey’s going on another road trip to tweet contemplative photos? Where to this time?
  3. She wouldn’t part with a couple panty liners to stick onto his pits?
  4. No anxiety at all. I live among Jet fans. They overhype their team every season. This year’s Jets are overhyped, like usual. Their offensive line is nothing special. They’ve got two starting linebackers out. Their secondary is questionable, at best. If our “new” offensive line hold up against their front, then we’ve got no problems. I’ve got no worries about our defense. None. Get off off the ledge, bro. We got this first one.
  5. Chock full o nuts French roast.
  6. I heard it is being released on Netflix AND in theatres, so it will be eligible for an Oscar. Maybe they should just hand it to the Obamas. Or better yet, wait for April, then when Michelle is riding high she declares her 2020 run.
  7. That song is what my avatar is reaching for. ?
  8. China complains that it is being censored by Twitter and Facebook There's a lot of issues in this article -- not just Hong Kong related. --China is acting hypocritically regarding censorship (within their borders vs. outside their borders). --Twitter and Facebook choose to limit what they perceive as a "disinformation campaign". --The decisions are made as part of the backlash against "Russia interference" in the 2016 election. --Google hasn't commented on this, even though China is allegedly making youtube videos akin to the misinfo they're alleged to be spreading in the other two social media platforms.
  9. If Warren took on banks and beat them, and took on Wall Street CEOs and beat them, then why does she keep running on an anti-bank, anti Wall Street platform? She didn’t beat them enough? She lies? She didn’t beat anyone at all?
  10. Wow, he stuck his head out of his hole expecting to see a bright, cloudless day. Instead he got whack-a-mole’d. Edit: no pun intended.
  11. ^^^^^HAHAHA, 2 and 1/2 months left to get their ***** together. The referendum happened over three years ago. This is where they are? That Corbin letter is pathetic.
  12. Isn’t that supposed to be Letter of Mark to the Caledonians? I think that was the second reading at last weeks 8:30 Mass. But seriously, I’d buy a boat and name it Gomer if they started handing out letters of marque.
  13. His attorneys committed malpractice IMO. How can they be said to have had the best interest of their client in mind when they made that application? They actually might have had a decent case to get Epstein’s charges dismissed.
  14. I keep both a classic and my older nano (2gb - maxed out at 300 songs) in my car, plugged into the aux. I use them for road trips. The nano for music and the classic for podcasts (only because I cant bother to take the time to move the music from the nano over to the classic). Edit: I miss jalapeno Fritos.
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