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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Laughable. Biden's whole campaign hinged on having better "optics" than Trump. If Trump lowered the bar so much, why doesn't Biden lift it up? "Bad optics" is now always acceptable because of Trump? What a joke.
  2. All of your posts in this thread have been logic pretzels in order to apologize for this administration's screw up. Just call it like it is and take off your partisan glasses.
  3. We were going to leave them and they were going to get slaughtered until the outrage became too loud. Then plans changed. Why did we leave our airbase outside Kabul? Why did we have to send troops BACK IN to protect people? Why are our allies pissed off at us?
  4. While politics in our country are way too tribal, the people you're describing are the exception, not the rule. And I'd also say that people are extremely different when they post on anonymous message boards than they are when dealing with others face-to-face. We are not nearly like the 50's, but things aren't as bleak as you say. I'd wager that the world has the same %age of selfish ass-holes as any time in the past. It's just that social media has allowed them to show themselves for what they are.
  5. Wow -- he said that chaos was always "priced into the decision". I don't know why they evacuated Bagrham Airbase a few weeks ago when they could have evacuated people from there. The Afghans didn't do him any favors, but for cripes sake, who didn't know that they were failures? That's why we stayed so long after 2104.
  6. I'll give you this -- too much time was wasted and too much money was spent. And the mission changed from "Chasing Osama". Other than that, you've typed mostly senseless blabber. And why haggle over facts, right? One other thing. We kicked the ***** out of the Taliban. They fled to their hidey holes in Pakistan, and we weren't chasing them over the border. Then in 2014 we turned over the reigns to the Afghans and things eventually went to *****. It took seven years with just a small US force in the country, but the Taliban was gaining land all the time. Anyone paying attention could have seen this coming. That's why Biden screwed the withdrawal up so badly.
  7. The Mujahideen are not the Taliban. Not the same group. Who was fighting Russia over oil and minerals? The US and about 40 other countries used "terrorists as an excuse" after 9/11/2001, when those very "terrorists" claimed refuge in Taliban-controlled Afghanistan. You can rightly complain about the cost and the mistakes made across four separate US administrations, but at least get your facts straight.
  8. Agree. At least they used a squinty, pained look photo of her to accentuate the phony comments. I read her quote and thought, WGAS, what's your jackass husband doing?
  9. Keep the phony platitudes to yourself. Nobody cares what you think, Jill.
  10. In this case, I’ll take door number 2, Kay.
  11. Wrong (again). I'm not as limited as you. Still don't want to answer the questions? Not surprised.
  12. How about answering my questions with more than "what are you talking about?" and changing the subject. You can't do it, can you? You don't even know what you're saying, and you think you're "owning" people. You're blind with partisan hatred. I'd feel bad for you, but really I'd be lying.
  13. Did you mention this when is happened, or is it just a convenient deflection now? Better yet, if this was so bad, then Biden should have done something about the mess that Trump left him, yes? Biden fixed all the other messes that Trump left. Why did Biden screw this one up so badly?
  14. China wants to destroy us. When do we go in?
  15. The "mission" was never to destroy the Taliban. And when the Taliban was at their lowest, they fled to Pakistan. Did you want to invade Pakistan?
  16. I did. I thought I heard a whooshing sound.
  17. He took “full responsibility” for leaving, nothing more than that.
  18. When do people start calling for Blinken to resign? Or Milley? There will be a fall person.
  19. The 2020 agreement was based upon the Taliban's assurances that there are no "foreign fighters" in Afghanistan -- which is a flat out lie. Bottom line is that time will tell if the Taliban will allow terrorism to be exported from Afghanistan. So, yes, it is in our national interest. Also, the Taliban takeover puts huge pressure on India because now Afghanistan is aligned with Pakistan and China. In our national interest. Also, we're not parked next to Iran anymore. In our national interest. And, now Russia has to make nice with the Taliban because they're afraid of the other "Stans" becoming less tied to Russian influence. And China has cut a deal with the Taliban for arms in exchange for letting the genocide continue against Chinese Muslims. In our national interest. I'm glad the US is gone from there, but it could have been handled better than "tail between our legs". Our country has less than zero influence over there after 20 years and blood and treasure.
  20. The US agreed to leave. It is a crappy agreement. Bush was put in a bad situation. Obama was left with a bad situation, and so was Trump and so was Biden. Big deal. It's very simple. Biden could have EITHER fixed the agreement, OR he could have lived with it and been competent about it. He didn't do either of those things. This is happening under Biden's watch. He effed up, big time.
  21. Hmmmm. The Taliban was the government — not domestic terrorists. They came and took it back. Bad analogy in that tweet. Also — what about all the Democrats issuing statements and tweets saying the same thing? Are they Republicans now? And, not everything circles back to January 6th no matter how much D partisans want to try. This is a completely separate disaster. Worst moron tweet ever. That idiot should shut up. Yep, Trumps written capitulation was a ***** deal. But Biden could have ignored it or reversed it, like he did with everything else. But Biden stuck with it, and even moved the “deadline” to 9/11 because we needed more time to get our ***** together. And then Biden proceeded to completely screw the pooch. Nice job, Mr. President. Now get out in front of a microphone and take the blame for making our country look as completely incompetent as our President.
  22. Yes and no. I get out and then I pee in the pool.
  23. I drink polar plain soda water. But their mandarin orange is good, too. But I also find that I prefer seltzer from a can than a bottle. Seems like the fizz lasts longer once it is poured. As far as soda is concerned I rarely drink it but it is Coke with a meatball hero, or Ginger Ale with Chinese food. Never diet. Always regular.
  24. You use "A". The "h" in "historic" isn't silent unless you're Eliza Doolittle.
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