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Everything posted by MattyT

  1. Uh. I think this is more Bob's way of bashing the Bills for not being able to figure out how to use him. I mean...trading our "star" WR to our biggest rival? Gotta be hyperbole.
  2. jeezus that's ugly!
  3. Again...why are we so eager to trade proven players for unknown potential? Why should we be confident that this front office and coaching staff is going to be capable of drafting and developing the young player acquired via this trade?
  4. Bell practicing (and subsequently playing) may be the best news we get all week.
  5. This move would just prove that the team is incompetent. What players should they keep then? They don't know how to develop and keep good young players organically, don't know how to utilize established mid-level FA acquisitions, don't know how to take advantage of superstars.... there aren't many other options left other than folding up the tent and going home.
  6. A post that is impossible to answer. Great work here.
  7. I bought the Cornballer before it was only legal in Mexico. Mother of God! Oh! Every damn time! Oh, this is a big one!
  8. The outrage from the season ticket holders cracks me up. Most of them have continued to buy tickets through the decade plus of failure and now you expect them to take you seriously.
  9. I heard I can get it at Target®
  10. He's got a cool name! I like that. Definitely get COLT MCCOY!
  11. In my book that's still letting him walk away. The Bills should have done more to retain him.
  12. Therein lies the proverbial rub.
  13. Sounds like a Fetzer valve. Gonna need some 3-in-1 oil and some gauze pads. And 'bout ten quarts of anti-freeze, preferably Prestone. No, no make that Quaker State.
  14. I'm not a mechanic, but I had similar symptoms and the same error code and the remedy was new ignition wires.
  15. As a guy, part of me sympathizes with all you "Peters-pullers."
  16. What about uniforms made out of barbed wire?! Thaaat would be interesting.
  17. The Buffalo Ostriches...they have wings but don't know how to use them and they stick their head in the sand at the first sign of trouble.
  18. Also, I don't know if it's been said, but the Patriots ARE cheaters AND the officials cheat for them too.
  19. I didn't know Garrett Morris was a Bills fan! GOOD NIGHT AND HAVE A PLEASANT TOMOR-ROW!
  20. I bet you were the class clown weren't ya?
  21. I can't believe we let Dick LeBeau walk away from here.
  22. ^ | | | Prob posting from work.
  23. As great as this sounds...we've been hearing it for a couple of years now and nothing has materialized. I guess they're right and it really does depend on Ralph not being involved.
  24. How many of these QBs have there been in the history of the NFL? Prob less than 10.
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