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Everything posted by MattyT

  1. To be fair, Maybin did get credit for a "brush" in the box score.
  2. I thought this thread was going to be about candy.
  3. ...or an autographed pic of Pete Best
  4. Great move. Put two guys on the line that even the most pessimistic Bills fan would have a difficult time questioning their work ethic and tenacity instead of anyone who has any real accountability.
  5. "Drop the Ball" by Anthrax
  6. A serious thread about the paranormal. That's pretty rich.
  7. If you really want more respect then get off the damn subject. It's all you ever talk about. I started ignoring you weeks ago because I just got sick of it. Every once in a while I check in to see if you've moved on ... but no. Same ****. Expand your horizons man! There's a team in Buffalo that is playing real NFL games on a weekly basis. Talk about them for a change.
  8. Thanks, but this isn't news.
  9. And more amazing than the time I ate my weight in Godfather's pizza.
  10. 1:00 please
  11. I used to be a big proponent of Roscoe, but even I've come to realize that his poor decision making and inability to move forward to gain yardage has become a liability to the team. And this team can't afford it.
  12. As a guy who used to regularly ride on a lot of roads including the Ontario State Parkway (which claims a biker or two every summer) I think people are nuts to ride in the road when the shoulder is an option. I'd rather bike through a little schmutz and steer around roadkill (which is rare) than become roadkill myself. I'm also not so self-important that I would be okay with altering the natural flow of traffic just to avoid me.
  13. I'm 34 and feel like I'm too old to have to sit through another full cycle of rebuilding this damn team....can't imagine what Ralph must feel like.
  14. Chargers could become "The San Diego Chargers of Los Angeles" Makes perfect sense.
  15. 1. Hunter S. Thompson 2. Tom Waits 3. A physician to keep me alive through it.
  16. Southern Tier is one of my favorite breweries. And if you like Pale Ales (particularly Sierra Nevada) see if you can get hold of a bottle of Sierra Nevada Southern Hemisphere Harvest Ale. Crazy flavor. Fresh batches every spring.
  17. Fourth this week probably...this guy has been obsessed over this. I finally had the brains to put him on iggy today after voting in his flawed poll.
  18. Not sure there are enough guys on the Bills who have put up good enough individual performances to be in any sort of position to start throwing people under the bus. Most everyone has had to face a little bit of reality this season. Look at the last game for chrissake....the distribution of penalties was not isolated to a handful of players. The whole team has been one big !@#$up. Is there anyone ballsy enough to come out and say...hey I know I'm good, but the rest of these guys suck ass?
  19. voted for both...poll fail
  20. Somewhat surprised they made it across the border.
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