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Everything posted by MattyT

  1. SHUT DOWN WES WELKER! For chrissakes, I'm sick of seeing that midget run riot all over the league. Let Moss have his TDs, but please Perry ...take Welker down! Maybe he should pull a Reggie Dunlop and put a bounty on Welker's head.
  2. I read that the first customer is scheduled to take delivery 9 mos from now.
  3. Another another note about the reusable filter thingy. I have one and my recommendation is to use stronger coffee than usual. The water goes through there pretty quick and can result in some weak stuff. I usually go with an espresso roast or Bustelo ...something along those lines.
  4. Don't think of it as "slow"...think of it as "contemplative"
  5. I'd actually say between 1-2 minutes on my brewer which is one of the low end models...although I suppose yours may take longer because of the larger capacity. The Auto-On feature really cracks me up. How fast do you need it?...LOL
  6. I miss McKelvin and that'll go double if Freddy Jackson ends up getting hurt returning kicks.
  7. Jeez...what an odd complaint. It's like "somebody bought me a toaster oven...now I gotta buy bread and other stuff that I want to make hot and toasty....you bastard!" If someone bought you a traditional coffee maker, wouldn't you buy yourself some coffee to use it? The K-cups are on most grocery store shelves right next to the regular coffee.
  8. Refs were terrible in the KC game. Really over-imposed themselves on the game. Lots of seemingly unnecessary calls.
  9. I've got a Keurig Elite and love it. Got it for free through an online promotion. Oddly, the Elite is their low-end full size brewer, but I don't think you need much more than what it has to offer unless you need the purty stainless steel or variable temp controls. I'm hesitant to comment on the quality of the coffee because everyone's taste is different and the dozens of varieties that are available make it difficult to accurately represent. But I can tell you that I'm a life long coffee drinker and, although I definitely enjoy a brewed pot with freshly ground beans, the convenience that the Keurig offers is very attractive. Seriously, my daughter usually makes the coffee for me and she's not even two years old...that's how easy it is. I just hold her over the machine and she takes it from there. Our guests gets a kick out of it. I guess my two biggest cons are 1) the high cost per cup and 2) I hate the idea that I'm throwing something into a landfill every time I want a cup of coffee. I wish there was an way to make it more environmentally friendly.
  10. I thought the refs got way too involved with the game. Let them play for chrissakes. Both sides.
  11. We don't have a starting quality QB on the squad. For now we just gotta go with the guy who manages the game the best ...and that's Fitzy.
  12. I downloaded an app called "Crocodile Keyboard" that uses triangular shaped keys and have been very happy with it. Much improvement in the accuracy of my on screen typing. Still pull out the hardware keyboard for heavy typing though.
  13. So far the whispers have been pretty worthless. I'm happy to just wait it out until something solid comes around.
  14. How lucky am I that this is the one night all year that I'll be spending in Buffalo? Although I guess the degree of luck will depend on the outcome.
  15. That's a pretty poorly written review and the guy's an idiot, but I'll admit I've had the same problem with the camera lag and I do frequently tap icons and the apps don't launch until the 2nd or 3rd tap. I thought it might because of the screen protector thingy that I put on there.
  16. I like Fisher and would be glad to have him coach here. If Tenn let him go then joining the Bills would be a nice way to give Bud the middle finger too.
  17. Is Fewell really that intense? I think these "reports" are over-exaggerated and it's only noticeable because our last coach was a scarecrow in a baseball hat. I mean, a guy shows a little emotion on the sideline, makes people practice in the rain and plays music at practice and we're comparing him to Mike friggin' Singletary?
  18. Thanks for the reminder. Been meaning to rent this for a while.
  19. well played thessir
  20. Oh. Well okay then.
  21. Soooo...WTF did he mean by "there's nothing there?" Did he mean there's no longer a desire to coach? - or - Did he mean there's no talent on the Bills? - or - Did he meant there's literally nothing in Western NY?
  22. Rex Ryan has turned into a puss since the Jets have started sliding. Not just cause he's been crying in front of the media, but because he should be slapping Sanchez upside the head when he makes his stupid bonehead mistakes. And having a fiery HC is only part of a much more complex equation. Don't think you can say that it has NOTHING to do with success...sometimes it's just part of it.
  23. I think what you're missing, my dear primate, is that Shanny and Cowher could potentially act as both GM and coach.
  24. I'm skeptical that he can stay committed to Buffalo long enough to make a dent. He'll be off onto his next project depending on how the wind blows.
  25. The bar has been lowered so far I that doubt that Kate Moss could limbo under it while laying flat on a car creeper.
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