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Everything posted by MattyT

  1. If it keeps Chris Cornell away from writing any more solo stuff ... then I'm all for it.
  2. Agreed. Interesting...but I also hope they have a backup plan.
  3. Pretty weak arguments put forward in that article.
  4. It is a bit odd that, on one hand he thinks we're close to having the personnel to compete in the league, and then in another interview he hints at the fact that a lot of the team is undersized, soft and not built to play outdoors in WNY. Which is it? Is it just a matter of overhauling the QB and a few defensive positions (ex. LB)?
  5. Same here. A little rationality will get you far around here Darth.
  6. Can we make another version with Cohwer at the Buffalo airport standing next to George Seifert?
  7. give it up hamdanites
  8. I think it's an unfair stretch to call the Nix hiring "promoting a GM from within."
  9. Pretty sure we've been playing with mostly backups all season.
  10. That one's going to be really nice.
  11. And yet a guy was shot and killed by the Greece PD just last night for wandering around his neighborhood waving a gun around. Only a mile or two from where Cervini was killed.
  12. High and legally intoxicated
  13. Kind of like clicking the Start button to shut down?
  14. DiBella's Sub Shop plans to expand to Buffalo, Syracuse, Albany and beyond in the near future. http://www.democratandchronicle.com/articl...h-beyond-region Yum.
  15. Or make some nice compost.
  16. Honestly, I'm surprised people give 2 sh--s about this.
  17. Yeah...I figured it out yesterday. I was looking at Shefter's re-tweet of Mitchell...which didn't include any spherical references.
  18. Anyone else imagine a big heap of injured players laying behind the Bills field house? Throw another one onto the pile! Next?!
  19. Thanks for coming out Kendall. Have a nice life.
  20. Didn't see "balls" in the original tweet. If it's there, then I get the omission.
  21. ESPN (Tim) chose not to include the word "suks" and labeled it as an obsenity? In a football article? For real? Is this how watered-down and PC you are?
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