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Everything posted by MattyT

  1. Awlright boys...time to wrap it up. Nothing to see here and such and so forth.
  2. Yeah, this would be great news....if he wasn't our friggin' 1st round pick.
  3. Soprano = more credible
  4. Mods please keep this thread separate from the massive one...for posterity's sake. Thanks!
  5. Keep hitting refresh...I'm sure it'll show up soon.
  6. There we have it folks...rock bottom.
  7. Stop being such a cowherd and start posting!
  8. I'm betting you're right. I think he did have a lead on the firing story and is now taking advantage of the media coverage he's getting. I do a lot of SEO work and what he's been doing since his big scoop looks a lot like linkbait. He's taking advantage of a trending topic that is clearly of interest to the region to promote his blog and whatever else he's got going. Some linkbait can be totally ethical...but this is starting to look otherwise. Even now I can see that the guy went from having 23 followers from when the original "Cowher ok with salary" tweet...to having 44 followers. Some are names I recognize from TBD
  9. I can follow the logic of all that except the Atlanta stop...anybody got a guess?
  10. I'd probably call the Spags interview a Rooney too. Think that was pretty much a done deal.
  11. This is a joke right? Did this newspaper hire some sort of online marketing company to spam the entire Internet?
  12. Wonder how many were Rooneys that took place even though another coach was already chosen?
  13. Lucky I have bit.ly preview.... https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/10297
  14. He could sing the National Anthem before each game.
  15. Decent writeup about Frazier published during the Lions' HC search one year ago... http://thelionsinwinter.blogspot.com/2009/...ie-frazier.html
  16. Hope you didn't pay for it then.
  17. TBD also reporting this.... http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showtopic=104870
  18. After a decade of FAIL, I'm not sure Russ is going to want to go into the 2010/2011 season with ticket sales riding on the arm of Brian Brohm.
  19. Nice writeup on the Nexus by Tim O'Reilly... http://radar.oreilly.com/2010/01/the-nexus...-vs-iphone.html
  20. I posted a list of Android apps that I like for a friend of mine on Facebook a few days ago. I thought I'd copy/paste them here in case anyone's interested... - Dolphin browser (pinch to zoom - like iPhone) - crocodile keyboard - swift (if u twitter) - Locale - shopsavvy - shazaam - tunewiki - advanced task manager - astro file manager - NewsRob (rss feed reader) - nytimes - wifi analyze (find wifi hotspots) - google voice - listen (podcast mgr) - andFTP - google goggles - google skymap - babeldroid - beemreader (pdf reader) - open home - chompSMS - documents to go - note everything - oi shopping list - picsay - movies
  21. Me too. Although there's an app called Crocodile Keyboard that greatly improved my accuracy on the touch screen keyboard....but still mostly hardware keyboard for me.
  22. Better hardware...smaller form factor (very slim)....Android 2.1. I think that's it in a nutshell. Like I said, it's basically a high-end Droid Eris.
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