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Everything posted by MattyT

  1. Yep, I would agree that it is bold to make supernatural claims and then point the finger at those who don't believe the same.
  2. A little role reversal...a Muslim player requests the test takers to face Mecca and pray before the Wonderlic and Tebow tells him to "shut his yapper" or some other sort of sanitized insult (because a born again would *never* say STFU). Tebow becomes a hero to a huge portion of the same people who are opposed to the STFU guy and he's on Glenn Beck the next day.
  3. I'll take the guy who can man-up and take a simple test w/o praying to his imaginary friend thank you.
  4. Who's Bill and why does he have his own board?!
  5. Many (but not all) NCAAF threads obviously belong on the main board because of their potential implications with the Bills. NCAAB threads and NCAA wrestling threads are also welcome ....on the Off the Wall forum. I sense you still don't realize that there is an off-topic forum on here: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/index.php?showforum=48
  6. Hey, get in line pal! I've been waiting for Scott to add a board dedicated to Unicycle Hockey for years now.
  7. Swap the name Denney for Kelsay and I agree with you.
  8. You serious Clark?
  9. What's brought us to this lowwwwwly state?
  10. Which stage of grief is this? Denial?
  11. NFL Mobile Kicks Off With Verizon Wireless In April http://news.vzw.com/news/2010/03/pr2010-03-03d.html
  12. ...or trading for Delhomme and paying him starter money. I gotta think Holmgren has a huge crush on one of the QBs in this draft.
  13. Thanks for stopping by Phil.
  14. I wouldn't read into that too much.
  15. Touch of Grey is the best Dead song too.
  16. Fearless. And pretty much the whole Animals album.
  17. If it will save the team $10 bucks then it will happen.
  18. Thanks for the chicken wings. PEACE OUT!
  19. This shouldn't make sense, but with the Bills somehow it does.
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