Rhapsody has made their beta app available in the Android Market. I've never been a fan of Rhapsody or subscription-based music in the past, but for my phone it makes perfect sense. And the $10 per mo price point is pretty good too considering I spend probably 2-3 times that in music downloads from iTunes per month. Now I can preview a ton of music and only download the albums that I absolutely have to own.
They have a free 14-day trial and I'm giving it a shot. So far it's a big
Rhapsody blog post about Android App
And on a related note, Rhapsody announced that they have broken free from Real Networks and Viacom/MTV. I thought this was a good sign since they will be focusing entirely on music without those other interests diluting their product. I've always thought that everything about Real was teh suck so this is nice.
Blog post about the ownership change