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Everything posted by MattyT

  1. Not sure about Miles, but someone's got to fly the plane.
  2. Yeah, too bad they need to do it again this year and next year for us to be competitive.
  3. Are there enough good 3-4 NTs to wait till pick 18? Cody I guess?...assuming another team doesn't really like him.
  4. If they want to surprise me then they will find 2-3 legit starters in this draft. By legit, I mean not starting by default because everyone else is too injured to play.
  5. Not to mention the potential parallels with people being chosen for a test with one becoming the winner and getting everything he/she ever wanted and living happily ever after.
  6. I've just come to assume that Kelsay has some dirt on a high ranking member of the front office. Only explanation for his duration with this team.
  7. Very hard to lose a true friend. Sorry man.
  8. Alouicious that these threads will eventually stop.
  9. Here's what's changed for Sprint customers. http://www.sprintusers.com/good-bye-nfl-mo...-football-live/
  10. The mobile app was a free download and so far I have access to everything that it includes. Not sure what the premium content will be...if any.
  11. UPDATE: The NFL Mobile app is here! Just downloaded it from the Android market and at first glance it looks awesome. Click link for info and video demo. http://www.vzaccess.com/136/nfl-app-goes-l...erizonwireless/
  12. OSX System Preferences: Mouse http://images.apple.com/hk/en/magicmouse/i...re_20091020.jpg Check the Secondary Click box and right-click is activated. Done.
  13. I'm not sure that's as strong of an argument as you think it is.
  15. Actually I WAS wrong...he only got 25% right last year. I gave him too much credit when I wrote 28%. http://www.coldhardfootballfacts.com/Artic..._scorecard.html ...but Gosselin did come out on top of the heavy-hitters in 2008 with a whopping 25.8% correct! http://www.coldhardfootballfacts.com/Artic..._scorecard.html
  16. You trust a Dallas sportswriter who historically gets about 28% of his first round picks right (which is a shade better than the other stooges) over a guy who has repeatedly provided accurate intel from the Bills FO?
  17. Mendenhall's wiki page: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Curran_Mendenhall Should do allright if he can put on some weight.
  18. So far, all signs point to "no" but I guess we'll see.
  19. Finally glad to see Wes Bunting weigh in on the draft. (BTW, who is Wes Bunting?)
  20. I think he'll last till the second round but I doubt the third.
  21. Stay classy Tiki...
  22. Someone posted an evaluation of the 2008 draft before last year's draft and I thought it was a great service to all of us who tend to take these things too seriously. So I went back and dug up an evaluation of the "draft gurus" picks last year and here you go.... Mock Drafts Suck I read them as much as the next guy (well maybe not as much) but let's keep in mind that even the "best" only get about a quarter of the picks right despite all the effort that they put into it and most of the correct ones are the easier picks in the top 5. And please just forget about anything after the first round.
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