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Everything posted by MattyT

  1. ...and preferably do it while sitting on the toilet in case he finds that the Prez is indeed dead.
  2. The rest of us are just polite.
  3. Elvis died way before that!
  4. They're !@#$ing GAMES pal. For amusement. Get your priorities straight.
  5. RIP George....as Adam Shefter said...Bob Sheppard's already on the other side waiting to announce your name.
  6. ... while driving their horse and buggy. http://www.democratandchronicle.com/articl...006/1003/news01 Hey robber guy....you're definitely doing it wrong.
  7. I wouldn't worry about Cleveland. The Cavs owner promised a championship, so I'm sure it will happen. And that's when the big bucks will start rolling in.
  8. ...and yet it's still horseshit.
  9. The "rule" doesn't work. It's all horseshit made up by sportswriters with nothing better to do now that MLB is the only major sport going.
  10. Steely Dan.....I've always despised this band but all the fanboys want to tell me it's because I've only heard the songs on the radio and the radio songs are crap....not the real Steely Dan. So I've got my Rhapsody account open in front of me fanboys...which album best represents the "good" Steely Dan? I'll take a listen and report back. I have a respect for good musicianship and will try to be as fair as possible.
  11. Beastie Boys - Check Your Head Beatles Anthology 2 Springsteen - Live 1975-1985 Phish - Junta Tom Waits - Rain Dogs (I guess)....just can't pick one
  12. okay I'll admit it...I laughed
  13. Wow! That letter is childish (he even used a kid-like font) and awesome at the same time. I'm a little jealous!
  14. Oh for pete's sake...START THE SEASON! I can't take much more of this shite.
  15. OK buddy
  16. Don't think I could last 5 minutes in the same room as this guy. Tiny Body, Huuuge Ego Here's a pretty good quote... OK buddy.
  17. I just can't bring myself to vote for any of these guys.
  18. My feelings are best described by this video...
  19. Murphy's law....make something idiot-proof, and they will build a better idiot.
  20. No doubt. Seems like an awfully convenient (and inexpensive) solution. Plus it will be interesting to see if it actually fixes the problem or just "fixes" it to make it appear like it's working better so people can return to blaming AT&T for their crappy calls instead.
  21. Apple claims that reception problem is a software issue...not hardware issue. Is anybody buying this? http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2010/07/02...rss&emc=rss
  22. hahaha... that was great. R Lee Ermey in Full Metal Jacket takes the prize...here are some other highlights.... - Dolemite - John Candy in Uncle Buck (the mole scene) - Bruce Campbell ..."Honey You Got Reaaal Ugly" - Billy Madison "God have mercy on your soul" - Rodney Dangerfield "Hey you wanna make $14 the hard way?" - Bill Murray "Yes it's true. This man has no dick." - Chevy Chase in Christmas Vacation
  23. Thaaanks for coming out...we've got some nice parting gifts for your crappy ass toy phone. Microsoft Kin Discontinued After 48 Days Stick with what you do best Redmond...whatever that is these days.
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