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Everything posted by MattyT

  1. I like him too for these reasons and hope you're right.
  2. Disagree about LBs being same, although by not such a huge margin that I'm going to fight over it too hard. But otherwise...assuming you're right about QB = SAME and OL = SAME then that's pretty much all I need to know about the Bills hopes of improving this year.
  3. Looks like Vick is free to play w/o any league discipline. http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/dneagle...red_by_NFL.html
  4. So if the dude who is leading completely bites it or comes up with an injury that does not allow him to finish then he still wins anyway? I would have to assume this is true since the remaining riders apparently aren't allowed to compete.
  5. If you like Stone then the Levitation Ale is a great session brew at 4.4%. Lots of flavor for such a "light" beer. I think Stone Pale Ale is only around 5.4% which isn't bad. A new one to try might be Victory Prima Pils. It's loaded with hops and it is 5.3%...not bad. It is kinda expensive around me though. Good ole Sierra Nevada is 5.6% ...always a good bet. Otter Creek Copper Ale is awesome @ 5.4% but may not be hoppy enough. Wheat beers (like Franziskaner) and pilsners are great session brews for summer. I dunno if you dig wheat beers but this is a good one (4.2%) http://www.gooseisland.com/pages/312_urban_wheat_ale/16.php And then here's one of my faves for when you are looking for something with a little more ...substance (8.5%). Saranac High Peaks IPA
  6. Not real familiar with the old Buff News layout, but this new one kicks the sh-- out of any major Rochester news outlet. Consider yourself fortunate to get something that doesn't look like it was done by a high-schooler back in 1999.
  7. I left a pair of those sneakers in my car and some a-hole broke in and left a second pair!
  8. With all this Clausen loving/bashing it feels like spring again!
  9. Is it April 1?
  10. Not only have I heard of it, but I read the friggin book!
  11. Thoughts are with you both.
  12. This study brought to you by members of the "People Who Think That It's 1910 Foundation"
  13. Thread title is misleading....thankfully.
  14. Gotta admit....this one's kinda
  15. I'm pretty good with this one ...but I totally fail on this one. When I get a case of "I gotta have it!"-itis then there isn't much stopping me. Sometimes my wife is able to intervene but not usually.
  16. Okay now I KNOW your BSing me. No one could type this shite and mean it. Well played.
  17. Vanilla ice cream is also the most popular ice cream flavor and it's not because it's a particularly creative flavor. And please stop with statements like "I don't think anyone would disagree that Nickelback is a great, great rock band", "I thought it was the general consensus that they have been king of the rock and roll mountain" and "I don't think that's arguable" ...it makes you sound like a complete loon.
  18. lol...good one didn't think this thread was going to get funnier ...but it did!
  19. Wow...media trying really, really hard to generate some news. I've been seeing TO stuff all over lately.
  20. If I remember correctly there is a scene in one of them (Disco Godfather?) where Dolemite is making love to a woman so fiercely that the walls and ceiling start to crumble down around them. You might notice there's a cable attached to the ceiling (which you can plainly see) and the ceiling not only drops down, but then lifts back up and falls down again! The laws of gravity just don't apply to Dolemite. Classic stuff.
  21. Big Daddy Kane vs. Dolemite (very NSFW)
  22. You no good rat soup eatin' mother !@#$er!
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