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Everything posted by MattyT

  1. Normally I would agree with you, but if you had seen the play in question then you would have agreed. The ball slipped out of TB's hand, floated straight up into the air, and came up about 15 yards short of Evans...right into the DBs hands. It came up so short that they guy who intercepted it wasn't even the guy covering Evans. So, you're right...it's lame to make excuses, but in this case it wasn't Lee's fault.
  2. How do these guys know if he is out for the season if he hasn't even had the MRI yet? BTW, I vote for Redman.
  3. Good find. Now all we need to do is forward the piece to every major and minor media outlet in the US. Truthfully, it's too late. The Rosenhaus story has already served its purpose....giving the media an easy target to shoot fish in a barrell rather than come up with something that's actually insightful.
  4. Good post. From your keyboard, to David Stern's eyes.
  5. Damn! You beat me to it.
  6. Good luck with the relocation but don't take too much stock in this list. The first list I clicked on recommended the Troy-Schenctady area! I've been to Troy and Schenectady and won't be relocating there any time soon. Apologies to anyone from that area that I may have just pissed off
  7. Thanks SF. Holy Jeez what's with the slideshow? This is one of the least usable corporate sites that I've seen in a while.
  8. You know, this is the second time that this "list" has been mentioned and linked to on this forum and neither time could I find the actual list. Does it exist? Is it the link or am I just a moron? Wait, don't answer that. Also, can Buffalo (and all of WNY) still be considered cheap if you take into account the taxes? Seems doubtful.
  9. Don't get your red, white, and blue panties in a bunch over this. IMO, the ends justify the means here. It's worth not winning medal if the end result is that the NBA cleans up its act, improves its product, and we field a better team in the future. The players keep *talking* about wake-up calls, but no one actually wants to figuratively get out of bed and *do* anything about it. As it turns out we will get a medal (hooray!), the rest is yet to be seen.... The Bruce Smith comparison doesn't work here. I don't even know why I have become so passionate about this since I no longer have any interest in the NBA. EDIT: I would also like clarify my original post. I don't watch the games thinking "GO [insert foreign country here]!!!!" I pretty much sit there feeling sad and when they happen to lose I can't help but feel that, in the end, this should be a good thing for the future of the game in the US. That's it.
  10. I could've sworn that they gave it away once and it ended up being South Carolina.
  11. She packed my bags last night, preflight Zero hour, nine a.m. And I'm gonna be high As a kite by then I miss the earth so much I miss my wife It's lonely out in space On such a timeless flight And I think it's gonna be a long, long, time 'Til touchdown brings me 'round again to find I'm not the man they think I am at home Ah, no no no... I'm a rocket man Rocket man Ahhhh. That's the gooood stuff! - Stewie
  12. aye aye aye Cap'n
  13. Touchy, touchy! Who pissed in your cornflakes today?
  14. Hats off to you Mike for your detailed coverage throughout training camp. B)
  15. During the first preseason game I heard a story where the announcer (Tasker?) asked Smith whether he preferred Jonathan or Freddie and he said that when he makes a good play its Freddie...otherwise Jonathan. Seems like an interesting guy.
  16. Im in. PM on the way. Thanks.
  17. Sweet! Im in.
  18. Easier solution for warm beer......drink faster.
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