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Everything posted by MattyT

  1. I would never lower myself to the level of participating in a sarcasm contest thread.
  2. Don't worry about VA, he likes to make wild assumptions about people's political views based on little or no actual information. Ask him about the Dems secret operation "Old Fogey" where the crazy octogenarian liberals are trying to run people out of line at the polls by being slow and incompetant.
  3. I think he actually means the re-importation of drugs from Canada that are already manufactured in the US (or whichever country that the US drug company chose to outsource them to).
  4. Porter. Collins has finally discovered that he has a big play receiver.
  5. B. Sanders on Offense and either LT or Ronnie Lott on D. Probably LT because he was involved in more plays than Lott.
  6. Haddock sandwich w/tartar
  7. No doubt. But even if it isn't a remarkable turnaround for the team I think that lessons CAN be learned that will be beneficial to the progress of the team. Just by having another QB in there...and a young colt at that. Probably right. This ugly talk needs to stop. It's enough to be in an unsurmountable pit as it is, but to have this kind of tripe at large? No good for the soul of WNY. Most Football message boards get their jollies off the success of their team. Bills fans?....Well.....SEX TOYS!!! Loosen the reigns for chrissake! Hell yah. I'm gonna be sick. False. Even as a Yankee fan I can recognize that this is a significant baseball story. It doesn't mean that I've gotta like the pricks tho'. Yup.
  8. McGee not play? Did I miss something?
  9. So the local Tops market slashed the prices on their Drew and Coy bobblehead dolls from $10 to $5. At that price I couldn't pass them up so I got one of Drew and one of Coy and put them on the dashboard of my Jeep. I park my car on the street last night and wouldn't you know it? Some bastard broke in and left me 4 more Coy bobbleheads and 7 more Drews! I'm bummed to say the least. Seriously though...they are marked down to $5. No surprise.
  10. RTFA. "The researchers also determined she was not a dwarf or abnormal in any way, but perfectly proportioned for her size. The researchers found the remains of similar hobbit-sized humans in the cave as well, further confirming that the island was once home to a population of little people."
  11. Did Lenny P really use the word "alas?" Such toney discussion from a sportswriter!
  12. The most damning thing about this particular comment is the sheer randomness about it. King is all over the place with this column but each point is obviously important to him. To throw a random jab at Williams and Newman as a parting shot for this piece kinda says a lot. That is, if you value the opinion of the media.
  13. What about the one where it challenges you to punch a monkey? I'd love to see more of that.
  15. Apology accepted.
  16. + How pathetic is it when one of the bread-and-butter plays on offense is a pass in the flats to your FB? Ugh. + London Fletcher is making it very difficult for me to continue liking his style of play. I know that the penalty was BS, but he is always involved with these incredibly stupid penalties irregardless. Do we need two captains at LB (Spikes and Fletch)? Maybe we should think about handing it over to Pat Williams or Schobel. Probably Schobel since we know he'll be with us for a while. Fletch is a great defender, but a terrible example. + When Willis gave up on the INT return....say what you will about potential injuries or blocking or whatever, but something about that play killed me. I was waiting for him to kick in the afterburners and run the bastard down but..well you know the rest. I need to hear from Willis himself about why he quit on that one. + I keyed on Mike Williams for most of the game and he was nothing but a disappointment. He gets beaten to the inside with regularity. He gets beaten to the outside and then his best defense is to shove the guy past Bledsoe, which then only sets the defender up to come from behind and knock both Drew and the ball out. I don't understand it. How can a guy this young and this big be so useless. Stand your man up! It's called leverage and gravity is in your favor...take advantage of it. I have always pulled for this guy, but now I'm just pissed at his play. + Spikes played his ass off the whole game. If the Super Bowl were on the line for one play that required a one-on-one tackle, there's no one in the NFL that I would rather have out there than Takeo. + McGee looked like an All-pro in coverage. He was on everyone's back and meddling with almost every pass. Even on the long pass to Travis Taylor he had excellent coverage and just couldn't pull the ball out of the guys hands. I think McGee has won the second CB spot. When Vincent comes back I would like to see him play FS. That leads me to my next point. + Izell Reese is not sufficient at FS. Why? 1) Missed tackles and doesn't do much in run support. 2) Missed an easy opportunity for a pick on a long pass into the end zone. If you can't do either of these things very well then there isn't much else for you to do. Vincent can fix us at this spot. + Josh Reed is still Josh Reed. Isn't Terrence Wilkins a free agent? + I finally got my wish! Travis and McGahee in the backfield at the same time. Unfortunately it resulted in a horribly orchestrated play that resulted in a pick by, of all people, Deion Friggin' Sanders. My blissfull feeling was quickly replaced by vomitus. + Hey Losman...how's the leg? That's all I want to say about that.
  17. Well if they are real then they must've hired their digital imaging guys straight out of high school. Blechhh.
  18. OK you got me about the big head comment. But I still don't buy the fact that the pics are real. The heads don't match the body on any of the shots...unreasonable neck angles, no chin on pic 4, skin tones don't match, man-hands on pic 3...no way their real.
  19. Umm...those pics are fake...fairly obvious fakes. Somebody else mentioned that she had a huge head? There's a reason for that. Sorry to crush the fantasy.
  20. Ummm...no. Not even close. If you call 26 World Championships futility in postseason play then I hope the Bills become the most hapless team in sports history.
  21. Pettitte and Rivera can't be counted as Stottlemyre failures. They both came up from the minor leagues and developed into All-Stars under Mel's watch. However, FA pitching aquisitions have not really improved while w/the Yankees despite the added run support. At best, they have maintained the statistical achievements that they had coming onto the team despite coming from less productive teams.
  22. Is leading the team in tackles year after year (including this year) now considered cancerous? I know that he's taken some bad penalties, but we'd still be much worse off without him.
  23. Jeez, us white folks are so lame that we don't even have any decent jokes about us.
  24. So if this is true (and I don't have time right now to research it) then I am supposed to feel bad that our already bloated and unweildy government is going to become smaller? If, outside of this thread, someone posted that they thought that the government was too small and listed their reasons for supplementing with more staff, more programs, and more layers of BS, you wouldn't do your best to refute the claims? It sucks that people are going to lose their jobs, but if it is done strategically then I call 100,000 less bodies and layers of beureaucracy in the US government a good start. Of course that doesn't support your claim that Kerry=evil.
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