I'm not too deep into Techno so I'm sure this will be considered mainstream by the hardcore guys, but the live album Everything, Everything by Underworld is great for getting your a$$ in gear.
You can find most stuff between these two resources:
BTW, nice piece in the City newspaper. I still believe too.
It's an interesting question. I would be curious to know what percentage of people bought a ticket to the game since that IS the reason that they have blackouts in the first place.
Me? I listen on the radio.
It would suck for SanFran to lose their team (especially to LA ) but I can easily imagine Ellison being a good owner. He's cocky and ambitious...not afraid to shake things up (ask Peoplesoft) and would be good to help the Niners regain some swagger.
Visiting San Fran a couple of years back I ordered a pizza and a dozen wings and the place had the friggin' nerve to give me......of all things...ranch dressing. Blech.