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Everything posted by MattyT

  1. Michael Vick? Come on. Now that Brees has won this thing you know that Ryan Leaf is out there thinking that maybe he should make a comeback run.
  2. So, since football has a salary cap, wouldn't that mean that the more prestigous teams such as Dallas, San Fran, and Green Bay would be signing the biggest free agents each year? I don't see it working that way. Players go for the cash and the chance to play. Although if it did work as you describe with any team in American professional sports then the Yanks would certainly be at the top of that list.
  3. Huh. So Mike Mussina, Kevin Brown, Carl Pavano, Jaret Wright and Tanyon-frickin-Sturtze. <singing> Which one of these things is not like the other? Which of these things does not belong? </singing>
  4. You would think so, but maybe not... A few years ago my jeep was broken into. Broken glass but nothing stolen. Could have happened any time between a period of 30 hours or so. Figuring that it wasn't an emergency, I called the Rochester police station directly to report the break in so that I would have a police report number to give to the insurance company. They sounded annoyed, wondered why I hadn't called 911, and made it sound like I should be calling 911 for any type of "emergency." Made me feel like an idiot but I don't feel like it was exactly the best use of an emergency response number. Especially since, in all likelihood, once I had called 911 they probably just patched me through to the police station anyway.
  5. In IE go to Tools-->Windows Update and scan your system for updates. The Media Player updates are listed under the non-critical updates. Hopefully that works. Might as well install any security updates while you're at it.
  6. That's the thing. RealPlayer (like Apple) uses a propriatary file format...not mp3. For a while Real got around Apple's protection, but I think Apple has since patched iTunes to lay the smackdown on that. Yeah. Here's the link. Slashdot
  7. I might be wrong, but I don't think that RealPlayer and iPods play nice together without some serious mods (if at all). I used to subscribe to emusic.com when they offered unlimited downloads. Now I think it's $9.99/mo for 40 downloads. When I subscribed it was mostly independent/small labels. Not sure if their library has expanded since.
  8. more proof that you can find any g'damm thing on the internet
  9. Wow...what a gem. I had to call this one out so that it wouldn't get lost in the shuffle. Very funny.
  10. Yep. Average players on an average team. I think that the point of the offseason is to go into the next season with better players. Not maintain a level of indistinct mediocrity.
  11. Your ideas are intriguing and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
  12. The Coy Wire decision will heavily depend on what they're paying him. If he's got a contract that assumed he would be the starting SS by this point instead of a special teams player, then he might be in trouble. Then, likely unwilling to restructure, he'll end up playing special teams for another coach at an equitable price.
  13. Some, if not all, of the plays may have been scripted with obvious adjustments made by Drew. Not positive tho.
  14. We won't win it with Bledsoe, but I would add a productive backup RB to the list of offensive needs for next year. Most winning teams have a guy that they can plug into the lineup at RB without a drop off in play. We have that now in Travis, but he may not be here next year.
  15. Now that the Bills are out of it, who are you pulling for in the playoffs? We've got several more weeks of football and it's necessary to keep yourself interested, so who's it gonna be? I think it would be kinda nice for McNabb to win a SB with TO sitting on the sidelines.
  16. I'd like to see my other options before settling on Maddox, but your point about JP is what I like to call "Bledsoe's Final Act." He took us right to the brink of Nirvana but what it all comes down to is that the only thing that his multi-game outbreak of acceptable football did was make us unprepared at QB for the 2005 season.
  17. The Steeler Second String Smackdown
  18. I could deal with having a Steve Young type QB right now.
  19. Yeah that's fine. 91% of their defense regularly takes the night off anyway. The other 9% is Freeney.
  20. Why would you bring up Norwood's wide-right kick at a time like this?!
  21. Hey...another Steeler castoff. Surprise, surprise. *grumble* *grumble*
  22. Great. Consider your face semi-saved. In the meantime....FINS WIN!!!
  23. to the Fins no less! They're celebrating in Miami.
  24. Ummm..... Bills New Helmet Design Unveiled Thread Best part is that some of the "fruits" that participated in that thread have posted in this one as well.
  25. I believe that the breeds commonly referred to as Pit Bulls are American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers, and Staffordshire Bull Terriers.
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