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Everything posted by MattyT

  1. Auf Wiedersehen
  2. "A girl's gotta have her standards." Real Genius
  3. This thread really ties the board together.
  4. HAHAHA....you got scooped once again there Quickdraw. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=17921
  5. Anybody catch the possible reference to the British show "The Office?" The daughter of the guy who gave Charlie a job told him that her father was visiting "a paper company in Slough."
  6. I found a tiny little blurb (not from any particularly credible source) about the possibility that Thomas is allowed to void his current contract. Not sure why this is possible. Is it somehow linked to performance?
  7. Actually, Prioleau would only save about 1.2 mil if he's cut before 6/1 so ..... = 13.2 mil under
  8. Great table! If I'm understanding the numbers correctly, with a cap hit of $1,687,500, I'm starting to wonder if Prioleau's days in a Bills uniform may be nearing the end.
  9. IMO, Tra Thomas isn't a good enough pass protecter allowing an average of 6.5 sacks per season with a QB as mobile and difficult to sack as McNabb. I looked at Victor Riley's numbers earlier and thought he was a decent candidate until I saw the following stat line..... 16 G/15 GS/12 Pen for 85 Yds/8 False Starts/3 Holding/11 Sacks Allowed for 74.50 Yds Last season was by far his worst and it was a contract year. That scares me.
  10. 1) Jones 2) Pace 3) Jennings That's based on play. Jones and Pace are both notorious pains in the butt when it comes to money which REALLY bothers me. I would like the coaching staff (specifically McNally) to evaluate Kareem McKenzie (NYJ) and Tom Ashworth (NE) as possible candidates to switch from right to left tackles. The alternative would be to get a guy like McKenzie, Ashworth, Ryan Diem, or maybe Stocker McDougle to play RT and (gulp!) move Mike Williams to the position that he was originally drafted.
  11. For the love of all things holy, this is like the third or fourth nut removal story this week! Its an epidemic! If anyone needs me I'll be hiding under my desk with a stainless steel coffee mug over my unit.
  12. Not on this oh so holy of days my brother.
  13. Preamble: This is just my .02 and isn't directed towards any particular poster.... Cripes give it up. This is one of the most outdated arguments in existance. In this ever expanding global economy, the American vs. foreign automobile debate is beyond tired. That's right, I said it.
  14. Although these receivers can be compared by looking at their numbers, the paths by which they walked to earn them were drastically divergent. A seasoned sportswriter should know this.
  15. Unfortunately Christ will be gone by the second round too. Plus its tough to kick in sandals.
  16. I thought there was a moratorium placed on the nut extraction threads.
  17. Two words: Jimmy Fund Or Jerry's Kids or whatever. You know that when you see the ushers coming down the aisle with their flashlights you're gonna get hit up for some extra cash. Point is that the theater isn't asking for donations to buy a new screen....its charity. Voluntary. $2 so that a kid can go to school? Charity. Voluntary. However, public universities that include mandatory "donations" specifically for the improvement of the campus is kinda crappy. You have tax money and tuition. Budget accordingly. That mandatory donation crap is the kind of stuff that is expected from private schools.
  18. Of course that depends on if you want to win games or sell tickets. The feature attraction factor will keep him in the game for several years to come even if his teams continue to fall short.
  19. Ooooo....those reminded me. "The Conversation" with Gene Hackman and "The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly" (a spaghetti western standard).
  20. Don't kill me for this, but as a last ditch effort to salvage your manhood.... Saab 92x Surprisingly affordable (for a Saab). PS - If you decide you can swing this then I have an Audi to show you.
  21. Go Go Boots Put these with a mini skirt and you're in business. Not sure if her's were fuschia.
  23. Thanks for cutting through all the BS and getting to the nut of the matter.
  24. I think you might be selling Woody's play a little short .... Woody - 5 seasons w/NE - 2.8 sacks allowed - 14 penalties for 85 yards (2 games missed) Andruzzi - 5 seasons w/NE - 3.1 sacks allowed - 21 penalties for 191 yards (8 games missed)
  25. Bullitt and Cool Hand Luke come to mind immediately. It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World (1963) is also good if you dig the old school comedians like Milton Berle, Sid Ceasar, Johnathan Winters and Buddy Hackett.
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