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Everything posted by MattyT

  1. As someone's putt is on its way toward the hole, my uncle has a habit of yelling "ONE TIME!" I don't play golf with my uncle much any more.
  2. PHEW!!! I had already slapped a co-worker today before I knew that it was allowed. Now HR can't touch me!
  3. I agree completely. My question is what's taking them so long? I'm not a market analyst or anything, but I think that the potential for success in Palm Beach would be much higher than in Warrington, PA. Does Winn-Dixie really have that strong of a foothold?
  4. I was gonna write a full report on it but the darn pen keeps slipping out of my greasy fingers.
  5. If you ask me, they should pass up on SC and Georgia (for now) and head straight for FLA. Do you know how many snow birds would kill to get a Wegmans?
  6. It's an interesting bit, but once they get on the field none of this stuff matters. The Pats are a penny-pinching team...their players are willing to accept that because they consistantly contend. Unfortunately, the Pats will be the Pats...even if their captain won't be buying an extra Bentley for his housekeeper.
  7. OK. So, according to this blurb, the Cardinals have backed off of asking for more. It seems like the Bills would still need to do the same in order for this to get done.
  8. More undeniable proof. LEGALIZE IT!
  9. They're doing it now because its the one year anniversary of Gmail. Their motivation? To give you more space to store your mail and crap.
  10. Thanks for the link...lots of good quotes. I got to see Mitch open for Dave Atell and Lewis Black last summer. He was funnier than both of them. Damn shame.
  11. That's awesome. I remember that Hoiles was really good about giving autographs. He signed things for me on five or six occasions. He became one of my favorite players because 1)he was a hell of a catcher and 2) he was really nice to the fans. Those were good years for the Wings. I also remember wanting Leo Gomez and Chito Martinez to do well with Baltimore. Oh well.
  12. From the article... The Jets, not surprisingly, dismissed the merits of Cablevision's offer. "It doesn't matter what number Cablevision pulls out of thin air, because their proposal isn't real, and the M.T.A. will see right through it," said Matt Higgins, a Jets vice president. Soooo....an all cash, non-contingent offer that outbids the Jets by $40 million isn't a "real" proposal? What's that old saying? ...something about a river in Egypt?
  13. And if you like that, check out The Devil in the White City which is set during the 1893 Chicago World's Fair. Lots of good architectural history and a decent serial killer story to boot.
  14. Way to take the ball and run with it! Next?
  15. Most of today's rock n'roll bands can't hold an audience long enough for anyone to give a crap about how they got together. HOWEVER, if they did, it would probably go something like this.... Our agents called us on the phone. They said there was an executive who needed to make some dough. and so on.....
  16. Is he better than Rex Kwon Do?
  17. Why not? He runs about that fast.
  18. I'm not sure about Long Island, but the real estate market is just beginning to warm up in WNY. You are likely to see the rate of houses coming on the market increase rapidly in the next month or two. I have been looking myself for the last month or so and it seems like there are many more buyers than sellers because buyers are starting to get the itch, yet sellers are waiting for the snow to melt so that the property is more presentable. I guess the point that I'm trying to make is that if you're not sure about the houses you're considering now, then keep looking because your options may increase very soon. Good luck.
  19. It's being remodeled.
  20. I'll take a dump right in my living room if the Bills take a kicker with their first pick of the draft. I don't care how good he is.
  21. In order of importance.... 1. Serve blue cheese with the wings instead of ranch dressing. 2. Business plan
  22. You are the victim of a LAMP by proxy. Unfortunate soul.
  23. I was bummed when I read that the brew pub had closed. They had a good selection of beer and good food, including something that I couldn't believe that I hadn't thought of before.....salt and vinegar french fries. Mmmm. If I was forced to guess why they closed I would think that it may have been the rent. IMO, the place had more space than they really needed. Henrietta does have an oversaturated restaurant market and the community college near this particular pub does have dorms, but obviously doesn't have as many on-campus students as a "full service" college.
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