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Everything posted by MattyT

  1. For an infielder glove, I prefer to line up the tip of the pinky finger with the tip of the thumb and put a ball closer to the palm so that the pocket is created there instead of in the web. Having a deep pocket in the web didn't work for me as an infielder because it can make it difficult to get the ball out of there quickly enough. For an outfielder, I just folded it where it felt the most natural with my hand in it and placed a ball in the deepest part of the webbing. The goal is to create a pocket that locks the ball in there. My best outfield gloves were one's where I could put a ball in the pocket, hold it face down (without my hand in it), and the ball stays in there on its own. For both, rub in some oil, tie it up tight, and apply constant pressure. I used to put the glove between my mattress and box spring. It's not as much about purely flattening the glove as it is to get the glove to permanently wrap around the ball. Have fun.
  2. socal, yr an idiot. you don't know how to improve the team. they do. yaint sh--
  3. i have to admit, i'm surprised as hell that the bills took parrish. he's tiny. but he was once a qb, so he could be slashy III.
  4. Until I can buy channels 'a la carte' I won't have too many positives to say about any cable or satellite company.
  5. The latter. The former is much easier to grasp. I can see both sides of the coin with regards to knowing too much vs. not knowing anything. In most cases I prefer to get the straight story, whether its from the media or a someone at the proverbial water cooler. But in some cases ignorance IS bliss. You never know until you know...and that's the rub.
  6. And off of a football message board if you ask me. I don't understand the thought process that leads someone to run out and tell the world (well...our small TBD world anyway) something like this. Maybe they think they are providing a service of some kind?
  7. I'm just going to say "over par" and leave it at that.
  8. My old housemate--a big Giants fan--told me about a time when the Giants were honoring Lawrence Taylor's career during the halftime of a game. This was during LT's coke/crack hayday. The Giants were nice enough to invite several people that were significant in LTs career... former coaches, teamates, and one Joe Theismann. After everyone did their speech, and the award had been presented, the MC was wrapping up the ceremony when Taylor could be heard over the stadium microphone in the background yelling down the line of guests to Theismann..."I BROKE YOU JOE!" Not sure if its true or not, but I enjoy that story anyway.
  9. I think that the Jets might have reached a bit on this one. On the other hand, does that mean that local guy Roland Williams might see some PT with the Raiders next year? If so, good for him.
  10. Sure. Why not do this if you're McNabb? Do you really think he'll be able to tell the difference between a Madden cover curse and one of his normal choke jobs? Other than that I like the guy.
  11. So he was a Nazi, but he "didn't inhale?"
  12. I thought this idea sucked too. If this guy would rather spend time washing his car, mowing the lawn, or whatever than watching at least the first two or three hours of a draft, then he should look into a career change. Lazy a$$.
  13. Apparently the problem was the crankshaft and some nuts got loose.
  14. Ahh...I see. Wasn't exactly happy with the decision then, eh?
  15. Jealous
  16. God called for a recount?
  17. http://www.cnn.com/2005/WORLD/europe/04/19...sday/index.html
  18. Instructional Designer....IT training
  19. Apparently she misread the tag on the Mercury Marauder she was test driving and thought that it was a Mercury "Murderer." Thank you!!! I'll be here all night. Jay Leno, eat your heart out.
  20. I'd like to add a sixth point (although its probably just supporting #5)... 6) NY contributed $63 million to renovate the Ralph only five years ago and reimbursed the team for prior improvements, which upped the total subsidy to $95 million. The stadium is viable for decades.
  21. Yes, and Denzel Washington and the guy who played Flounder in Animal House. Wait...no. Sorry. The show's been on so long that I got it confused with St. Elsewhere.
  22. UPDATE: Nick's is suing The Lodge at Woodcliff for trademark infringement. http://www.democratandchronicle.com/apps/p...EWS01/504080401 After all the imitators -- at least a dozen -- Nick's finally decides to make a stink (pun intended). Do you suppose this may be because Woodcliff has deeper pockets than your average grease pit?
  23. Mayan Riviera for our honeymoon.
  24. Check out a Play It Again Sports. You're near Baltimore right? http://www.playitagainsports.com/franchise...ise.asp?ID=1593 Pick up a few that look good and choose the one in your price range that feels the best in your hands. No muss, no fuss. Unless you need a shiny new piece of steel to pound the crap out of a hunk of leather and string.
  25. Pope Dionigi just doesn't have the same ring to it.
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