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Everything posted by MattyT

  1. Being married to a zillionaire heiress you'd think he could afford to live in a place with a friggin' parking spot. Even in Boston.
  2. Is she married to Tim or Matt? I was under the impression that it was Matt.
  3. He may be #3, but he looks like #2. *NSFW* http://www.sillyjokes.co.uk/big-picture.ph...-big.jpg&JS=Yes
  4. Please tell me that you used this analogy in your paper.
  5. Looks like he got worked over so thoroughly that he started crying blood.
  6. If you ask me, the Western NY climate disproves the whole "proper amounts of heat and light" thing. Side note: It's interesting to see that the longer this poll remains open, the more atheistic our members appear to get...percentage-wise.
  7. Uh-oh. Looks like Al Qaeda broke your Yahoo link. http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=stor...qaeda_arrest_dc
  8. Too bad Kellen Winslow's parents didn't think he was better looking. Maybe they would have strapped him to his motorcycle. (or at the very least taught him how to strap a damn helmet to his head!)
  9. I think they should let him keep his job... On the condition that he is thoughtful enough to share his praise with the player's parents. "Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, you should be real proud of your son. There's no n----- in him. There are honkies and white people and there are n------ and black people. Your son is a good black kid.''
  10. Thanks. Hopefully my stamina will hold out long enough so I don't have to go the Hot Pockets route too early. This will be more of a marathon than a sprint. Gotta mix it up with some fun reading or I'll start losing interest by the time I get to Van Buren.
  11. 2 by the same author eh? I'm intrigued. Thanks.
  12. Hell, I'd take Moe Cieslak at this point.
  13. No problem. I've already ordered their biographical pamphlets.
  14. I'm cool with this. We could do a hell of a lot worse.
  15. Thanks. I'm looking forward to Truman.
  16. It's sad that you needed to include the word "usually" in that statement.
  17. He may become the highest paid player in Bills history when you look at price vs. performance. Think about it....he'll probably get several million for running 10 routes and then falling to the ground like a sack of flour.
  18. That's... what I thought you said. Get in the car Ralphie.
  19. I'll check it out. Much thanks.
  20. Over the weekend I decided that I was going to read a biography for each US president in chronological order. That is, assuming there IS an easily obtained biography for each president. To get started I went to Amazon and the search turned up 1159 results for the keywords "George" "Washington" and "Biography." That's when I realized that I'm going to need some help. Which well-written presidential biographies have you read that you would recommend? Keep in mind that I only plan to read one for each pres. (for now), so I would prefer something both comprehensive and objective. Keep the slants and bias to a minimum. Thanks for the help.
  21. The best part about this article is that it wasn't even the Giants who said they weren't happy with him. It was an un-named GM who surmised that they will get rid of him eventually. The author of this OPINION piece even went out of his way to point out that the Giants are perfectly happy with Shockey despite all his antics. It's the writer that has a bug up his butt. Some people just read too much into stuff. Then, when 1 out of 200 proposals works out they can pat themselves on the back.
  22. I saw an interview with Seth McFarland where he basically admitted that American Dad sucked and he implied that it wasn't much more than a contractual obligation.
  23. Based on what I've read/heard, if JP does end up unable to stay in the pocket and let the play develop then it won't be because our coaching staff (specifically Wyche) didn't prepare him. The approach seems to be that if they make him comfortable with as many scenarios as possible then he won't take off and give up on the play prematurely. I doubt they are trying to force him into the mold of a pocket passer (which would be a mistake at this point in his career) but they want to make scrambling an option only in cases A, F, and J (if you get my drift). Make him aware of his options and he will use them. Scrambling will be one of those options...it just won't be the immediate reaction. That's my impression of the idea anyway. No telling until he experiences it for real. No comment on Vick though...I can't tell if I love or hate the way the guy plays from game-to-game.
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