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Everything posted by MattyT

  1. Example? IMO, asking for an apology and/or resignation is one of the more reasonable ways the Dems have handled situations such as this. Pretty standard politics. Typically, they just get Teddy (see recent Rumsfeld testimony) and or Dean up there to make assenine and meaningless assertions and end up looking foolish. I haven't seen evidence of bait taking or hanging themselves quite yet. Give it a few more hours.
  2. Is a consistant longterm 8-10% annual return realistic for your average everyday citizen? This has to include Bubba and Trixie in their trailor in Bum-eff, AL as well as Vincent the stockbroker living in Manhattan.
  3. A Hot Pocketing cowbeller! Get the torches and pitchforks!
  4. Of course the pot-kettle-black situation that we now find ourselves in is that those who frequently "drop Hot Pockets" seem to have an attention deficit disorder of their own, which prevents them from posting something well-thought out.
  5. Actually, no. I don't think so. Good ol' USA. Doesn't mean they don't have Brits working for them however.
  6. I own only two of the top ten... 1. "OK Computer," Radiohead 3. "Nevermind," Nirvana and four of the bottom 10... 100. The Strokes, Is This It (RCA, 2001) 98. Cornershop, When I Was Born for the 7th Time (Luaka Bop, 1997) 93. Pearl Jam, Ten (Epic, 1991) 89. Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Fever to Tell (Interscope, 2003) I guess I prefer the worst of the best. To be fair, I do like the the Pixies, Smiths, and Public Enemy (better than Nirvana anyway) but don't own the albums listed.
  7. I'm no expert either, but he had been working with an instructor named Hank Haney who promotes a theory of swinging on a single plane throughout the entire swing instead of one plane on the backswing and a second plane on the downswing. As far as the equipment, he has switched to a 460cc driver head and jettisoned the steel driver shaft in favor of a graphite Mitsubishi Diamana. He was one of very few PGA guys still playing a steel driver shaft until he made the change.
  8. I wonder what it's like to be a pilot in a blimp that's going to crash... Pilot: NOOOO! WE'RE GOING DOWN!!!!!!!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! (15 minutes later) AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! *clunk*
  9. Have you tried ignoring yourself?
  10. SUPPORT MAKERS OF MAGNETIC RIBBONS! Are the Jesus fish classified as liberal or conservative? How about the Darwin fish with the feet?
  11. Not to mention his suggestion for a successful marriage...STAY THE F--- AWAY FROM EACH OTHER!
  12. I must be out of the loop. Is there a gay guy in Iron Maiden?
  13. There's a euphemism Carlin would enjoy. He blasted his effing brains out.
  14. I suppose my personal beliefs have a lot to do with my standpoint. My belief is that, death is it...everything goes black and once brain activity ceases, you no longer exist...physically and spiritually. I understand that prisoners are able to have both positive and negative experiences in jail. But, you can't tell me that prisoners are completely void of feelings. They still experience peer pressure within their social system, stub their toes, experience the loss of loved ones, get diarrhea after a bad meal, etc. Based on what I believe, dealing with the stresses (and even pleasures) of every day life is more difficult than nothingness.
  15. Actually I don't. Since two people misunderstood, I obviously didn't express it clearly. You would LIKE to think that they regret. You would LIKE to think that they feel remorse. But even if they don't look back on their crime once until they die of natural causes....living is still harder than dying.
  16. If you REALLY believe tgreg's very good post, then how about re-examining the very first sentiment? Dying is easy....living is hard. That applies to the rapist/murderer as well. "Removing them from the gene pool" may be proper vengence, but it gives that person an easy out. Why not let them live their hard life? You would like to think that they are spending every moment thinking about their crime or regretting their actions, but even waking up every day and staring at the concrete slab below them...wandering around the same old yard....getting stabbed by a shank every now and then...that's hard. Let's not let them off easy.
  17. This is also known as the "Sheer" Genius Theory.
  18. Wow, Velveeta and Mill's Best. There's a lethal combo.
  19. While I agree, its kind of different. The NFL doesn't gain revenue from falling socks, untucked jerseys, or messages written in tribute to Tillman. They CAN take a cut from Jones when he gets "Mobile One" painted on an offensive lineman's big rear. (not to mention the irony)
  20. Sure. We could become more like Europe where they just name the teams after corporations. The Seattle Seahawks will become the Microsofts, the Mets will become the Chase Manhattans, and the Packers will become the Kraft Velveetas.
  21. Watch this go through. A coach can't look respectable by wearing a suit on the sidelines, but Jack in the Box will be able to advertise their Big N Beefy Chili Burger on Julius Jones' leg.
  22. Really tugs at the heartstrings doesn't it?
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