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Everything posted by MattyT

  1. Who's worse? Jerman or MacFarland? The MacFarland I've seen isn't even good enough to be a turnstile...more like a lazy susan.
  2. Evidence that the guy didn't look much further past the most recent Bills news. "They lost Eric Moulds? I've heard of him, so they are definately going to draft a receiver ASAP."
  3. At least this guy has Vernon Davis being drafted in the first round.....because the guy who did the mock next to his (Clark Judge) has a guy named "Leonard" Davis being drafted at #10 by Arizona.
  4. Thanks for the report. Does anyone else get the voices of Statler and Waldorf (old Muppets in the balcony) in their head when they read scouting reports written this way? I start out thinking "He's our savior!" "A Great player!" "Well, he's pretty good." "He's very average." "He's not that good." "He's terrible!" "Why did we sign this bum!"
  5. RIP Robert I also worked at a Wegmans for 8 years during high school, college, and until I found my first grown-up job. There are several pictures of the flagship Pittsford store to give people a feel for what Wegmans is all about... http://www.wegmans.com/about/pressRoom/photoGallery.asp
  6. Run for the hills everybody, there's a giant sh-- cloud coming!
  7. How the hell did this brain dropping get to 19 posts? This board is great.
  8. Willing to wait?, or going to wait?.....cuz those are two very different answers.
  9. I'm working, but at least enjoy looking forward to getting home to assemble a new grill. Mmmmm, steak tastes better on the weekend.
  10. Cancun....El Dorado Royale. Absolutely beautiful and relaxing. http://www.karismahotels.com/doradoroyal/index.html Get a Casita suite if you can swing it.
  11. Greg Johnson? I thought for sure it was going to be AC Cowlings!
  12. Reading this thread and the Delay thread, it's interesting to me that you (VABills) have taken the news of the downfall of a corrupt politician this personally. Especially since nobody here seems to be attacking you. Most would say "Fug 'em! Glad he's gone." but you seem to be supremely defensive. I hope that your defense of lashing out at the other side helps you feel better. At least we might have the Moran hearings to eventually look forward to. Then you can smile when you should be lamenting the state of our sh!tty 2-party political system.
  13. Let's keep in mind that "this week" actually means "last week" since the article is dated 3/31. If they were interested in him at one point, then they may be way out of the running by now.
  14. I have Either/Or (has a few songs from Good Will Hunting) and XO. Waltz No. 2 (XO) is a phenomenal tune.
  15. Thanks. I was thinking about doing the same research but then I remembered that I'm lazy.
  16. Sorry. When I originally posted this I thought it would sound too ridiculous for people to take seriously. Sadly I was wrong. Apparently people who feel this way are considered normal? I dunno...different strokes?
  17. Is it too late to combine everything from today into a single post?
  18. Yes exactly. Except that one carries a pistol and the other carries laser guided Hellfire missles.
  19. If these satellites exist, which I'm pretty sure they do...then why the need for unmanned drones? One thing that comes to mind is weaponry. It seems very possible that they might want to arm these buggers every once in a while for a little "crowd control." This is a bit more "conspiracy theory" than I usually allow myself, but what the hell...it's Thursday.
  20. The only people that should care about this are the people who are doing bad things. Just the terrorists. I'm not doing anything wrong so I don't mind being monitored by unmanned drones. The government can watch me all day long for all I care. Same with wiretapping.
  21. Brazilian steakhouse! Not sure of the name.....but definitely try a Brazilian steakhouse. All you can eat steak!
  22. He's a bulldog.
  23. Dudley (8 weeks old)
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