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Everything posted by MattyT

  1. Clearly a classic moment in lame TV history.
  2. If you need to make appearances in all three cities, then Rochester is obviously in the middle. Eastview mall is both east of Rochester and super close to the Thruway to get to both Syracuse and Buffalo. In addition, Eastview is really nice and if I had to work at a mall....that one would be it. Good rent prices in Rochester will depend on where you live now. If Cincinnati has higher rent, you will be really pleased with what you can get for your money here.
  3. Is it possible that this whole show is a big psychological experiment to see how long we'll all watch? I guess I've pressed the button once a week.
  4. Great....few (no?) answers...many more questions......see you all next fall.
  5. 3 super bowl rings? I see it differently. The leader of a three time super bowl winning team and perennial playoff contender deserves to be in the hall. You say that the hall shouldn't be based on team accomplishment, but if you are the clear leader of that team .....that touched the ball on every play...then that means something. On top of that, he's among the league's all-time leader's in completions, passing yards, and passing TDs. That's what the hall is based on. I hated the guy when he played, but as a football fan, you gotta respect. And let's not even talk about Emmitt.
  6. Apparently not....the last name is Lombardo.
  7. I here ya man. He's ignorant.
  8. Apparently this guy
  9. yeah, yeah...now i remember
  10. Broke lesbians drive Suzukis.
  11. Has it been established that his story was BS? When they did the flashback to him coming to the camp it looked almost exactly as he described. The people looked dirty and unfed, they had a hatch, two guys guarding the door....
  12. The first time I saw a 2006 Sonata on the road, I could've sworn that it was a new Accord. Now that I've had a good chance to examine them, the Sonata's front end is a bit more appealing than the Honda's.
  13. What was the deal w/ Charlie and his "innoculation" kit for Claire that he found in one of the hatches? Could it be the same stuff that the Others were giving her when she was being held captive? I only see bad things coming out of that whole mess.
  14. Bryant McKinnie? Go figure...he parties w/a guy from the Vikings. Can you say boat party?
  15. Permissum[Let] Vestri[your] Complector[compass] Rector[guide] Vos[you]
  16. Looks like Ralph got booted too?
  17. Cardboard wheel covers
  18. Okay, okay....much better.
  19. Rounded up and imprisoned...in the U.S.? That's a really expensive choice. It would be much cheaper to focus on the infractructure to process them as citizens instead of prisoners. At least then they would be putting more money into the system instead of sucking it out of your pocket lying in a jail cell somewhere.
  20. Just wanted to let you all know that checking in with this thread a few times caused me to have the following conversation with my wife last night: Me (blurting out thoughtlessly): McFunbags can't even sing because she's dancing too much. Wife: Mc what? Did you just say McFunbags? Me: Umm....
  21. Change the title of the post to "Know how you can reduce illegal immigration?" and I would subscribe to your newsletter. Not going to stop it though.
  22. Mexicans yell at you in a parking lot? Um...why? Just curious.
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