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Everything posted by MattyT

  1. It was originally posted with a title that does little to indicate it's purpose. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=48476 And I agree....sign it. I'm not even a Sabres fan but that thing is U-G-L-Y.
  2. Thank you. This was an article that I had read about China (and Russia) being the linchpin for diplomacy. http://www.economist.com/displayStory.cfm?story_id=7065970 Disclaimer: This links to premium content, but they are currently running a "one day pass" where you watch an add and then you get to see the pay stuff. But it's worth the read IMO.
  3. If what you say about China is true (which I agree that it is) then doesn't this dramatically improve the chances that diplomacy is possible?
  4. Assuming that the "liberal plan" (fill in your definition here) is the opposite of your "plan" (millions of people killed, "screw up" our interests, and pay $27 dollars a gallon), then yeah....I'll take option A.
  5. Be sure to wear protection. Maybe a rubber seat cover? Happy B-day man.
  6. Sounds like a dare to me. Come on JSP...prove him wrong!!! I triple-dog dare you. Sorry for the breach in etiquitte. I had to go directly to the triple-dog dare.
  7. How dare you assert that too many New Yorker's work for the gvmt!!! I, for one, don't. I'm just a gvmt contractor.
  8. A "groan" that I'm sure several of us have heard before.
  9. So, if I can come up with one or two better LTs does that mean that Gandy isn't above average? I see your point, but the homework assignment doesn't seem to support the theory. Now, if you want to evaluate all the starting LTs and rank them based on some important criteria (pancakes, sacks allowed, etc.) then see if Gandy falls into the top, say, 70%...then you might be onto something. Let me know what you find out.
  10. The next piece of the puzzle is in place.... Arena Out as US Head Coach
  11. A new cell phone will let users know if they have had too much to drink, but it will be up to users to determine whether it can prevent them from dialing while intoxicated. Cell Phone Could Prevent Dialing While Intoxicated This breakthrough could solve the problem of the beer goggled booty call. Countless people will be saved from having to chew their arms off as a means for escape.
  12. Alcohol and no umps? Hmmm.....any fights?
  13. You are learning fast asshopper.
  14. Which is a perfect segue for this link.... Citizens for Better Government in NY
  15. Exactly? Well since my last blood pressure reading was 145/90 it's been pretty tame recently. Before that it was based mostly on cheeseburgers and hot dogs. Schaller's, Bill Gray's, Perinton Hots, etc. Plus I got a new grill this summer.....you know the story.
  16. Any attempt by a site to collect this type of data with any degree of accuracy is admirable, but futile IMO.
  17. Your body is definitely trying to tell you something. I thought MY diet was bad.
  18. So......... should I just go ahead and delete my post?
  19. Wonder what the margin (chasm?) of error is on this data.
  20. It refers to the WTO's Doha Declaration of 2001 with regards to trade reform. Apparently halving subsidies and trade barriers is considered "optimistic" Doha, while 25% liberalization or less is pessimistic.
  21. The cheapskate bought a keyboard with only 4 keys.
  22. No doubting that fighting terrorism is important....more important than many things on that list. However the point of the conference was to recommend 40 solutions to problems where the most impact can be made with the least money spent. Terrorism doesn't really fit that description.
  23. Fair question. From an economic viewpoint, perhaps fighting terrorism isn't cost-effective enough to make the top 40? The cost-benefit ratio was a big part of the criteria.
  24. Franks and beans! Franks and beans!
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