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Everything posted by MattyT

  1. Don't know if they have KD here, but Evan Williams works just fine. If you squint your eyes the bottle even looks like Jack Daniels.
  2. *clink *clink (double-fisting ...y'know?)
  3. At this point, why bother? Might as well let them both think that they could be put into a game if JP goes down and keep both of them on their toes.
  4. VLC Media Player I don't think it will play the video clips in Safari, but you could copy the link to the video and open it in VLC. BTW - Joe...funny how this "toy" is the only computer in the house that works.
  5. And he's dead! Ba..dum..dum. I'll be here all night.
  6. Looks like Tori Spelling. And I'm not sure that's a compliment.
  7. Please, oh please tell me that those Apache guys from theesir's post are opening up for them.
  8. Almost as great as the David Hasselhoff "Hooked on a Feeling" video that was passed around a few months ago. Almost.
  9. That would be 2 more days than I currently get.
  10. Of all the rookies, Ko Simpson was the most present. I really, really, really like this guy. He's all over the field and is willing to put his hat into anyone. Whitner got a good shot at a guy that was being held up by another Bill. He also had an opportunity to lay a receiver out, but the ball sailed OB and the WR was smart enough (unfortunately) to not make an attempt at it. Didn't see much from McCargo...He was in there, but didn't see much. I find myself thinking this a lot. Not a good sign. Ellison played a lot....had one weird penalty where he got down the field too fast on a punt. I'm still not sure I understand that one.
  11. Nice sentiment and I'd like to add my thanks. It's good to get these touchy feely moments out of our system before we have our first loss of the season and all hell breaks loose around here.
  12. When someone from the media asks him a question he seems to try his best to give them an honest and interesting answer. I almost flipped out the first time I saw Mike Catalana (WHAM 13) ask Jauron a question at half time during the first preseason game and it was like "Holy shiat! The coach answered the question, it was on-topic, and it had actual meaning!" He has done this on several occasions. Shocking. How come after all these years in the NFL, nobody has told him that all he needs to say is that they're "giving 110%" and "leaving it all on the field" etc?
  13. Close... Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. - Albert Einstein
  14. ...not to mention the possible vindication (give me a break ) of his buddy TD.
  15. A lot of it has to do with the memorial. New Orleans is rebuilding with an eye on the future while NYC is rebuilding for the future with the added criteria of making sure nobody forgets the past. It's an impossible task to satisfy everyone's idea of the proper way to honor the deceased. The challenge is reinforced by the strong emotions that won't allow the surviving family members to compromise. Additionally, plans for the new tower(s) are being scrutinized (understandably) at an unusually high level for safety, security and environmental impact.
  16. Get 'er on a plane! We'll use her as bait.
  17. Donnie Brasco
  18. Our next #1 draft pick will wear Λ πr².
  19. Gabriel Byrne was way cooler than Del Toro. In fact, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that it was the coolest performance ever by a guy named Gabriel.
  20. link? NM - Got it myself http://www.buffalobills.com/news/news.jsp?news_id=4026
  21. Where's the link to lambaste the TBD posters who propagate misinformation?!
  22. That would require restraint...something I lack.
  23. Normally I buy the game every other year, but I got burned pretty bad on that POS NFL Head Coach game, so I'm not likely to pull the trigger.
  24. This thread should've ended after post #4.
  25. I think we need to tweak the concept of the Health and Fitness section of the message board to include Babes of the Day. I vote yes.
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