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Everything posted by MattyT

  1. He played well yesterday...but overall you're probably right.
  2. It's been delayed 3 hours for the west coast.
  3. What's the diff? It would still be an upgrade.
  4. Can he play Left Offensive Tackle?
  5. That's the equivalent of choosing red lipstick over pink. Either way, you're still kissing a pig.
  6. Those bastards in the media are at it again... TO won't talk to his position coach To quote the great Ted Knight's character in Caddyshack..."THE MAN'S A MENACE!"
  7. You should post more often. And you should get a beer.
  8. TO's latest press conference Oh, and bad news for the Detroit Tigers.
  9. There must be a giant clowder of black cats living in that stadium. Strangly, most (all?) of their problems have been off of the field.
  10. Hey if it were just a couple of guys I wouldn't think twice about it, but here you have an entire panel (minus 1) of knowledgeable football people who don't think that the talent gap between the Detroit Lions and our beloved Bills is as large as we all think it is. I dunno. I guess we'll see on Sunday.
  11. As comforting as this is....those readers aren't experts so we're screwed.
  12. I think all but one of these "experts" will be wrong. Well, I'll be listening extra carefully during Sunday Morning Countdown to hear what their justification could possibly be.
  13. You say that like it's a bad thing. Thanks for the tip.
  14. Puff, puff, pass...
  15. I wonder if we'll get to the point where the hallmark of a "good" president is that he was impeached late in his tenure rather than during his first couple of years.
  16. Not that I can tell. West of Roch (Brockport and beyond) got quite a bit, but I haven't seen anything more than a dusting anywhere else.
  17. He saw an interview. Either that or he just enrolled in drama class.
  18. The Hillary thread is over on PPP.
  19. I didn't know they could show that on network TV.
  20. Maybe they're all Jehovah's Witnesses? (No offense to any Jehovah's Witnesses on the board.)
  21. Must be that Ko Simpson has learned everything Vincent could teach him from his 13 years in the league.
  22. This is quite an innovation. Now we just need a moderator with time on their hands to move a few thousand posts into this thread.
  23. Thank you. That's more evidence that I may be too stupid to really enjoy this show. That scene where they gave Michael and Walt the boat was a big part of the storyline and it has already been pushed out of my brain by strawberries and fish biscuits.
  24. Top Five Venues I've been to - 1. Yankee Stadium 2. Fenway Park 3. Camden Yards 4. Safeco Field 5. MSG
  25. I'm not too happy with the show right now. Between: 1) trying to remember all the open details (and there were many, many details) from last season and connecting them with the current season 2) attempting to follow at least 3 major branches of the story (Jack, Sawyer, and Kate with The Others...Sun, Jin, and Sayid....and soon to be Locke, Echo, Charlie, and Hugo) Am I forgetting any? 3) getting many more questions every week with very little resolution of the past 4) The Others always getting their way. The plane survivors need at least a small victory at some point....just to tide me over. Maybe I'm too dumb to watch this show, but I need to be able to pack up and put aside some past info before getting much satisfaction out of the new stuff. But next week is the return of Locke and Eco...my two favorite characters.
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