I'm not too happy with the show right now.
1) trying to remember all the open details (and there were many, many details) from last season and connecting them with the current season
2) attempting to follow at least 3 major branches of the story (Jack, Sawyer, and Kate with The Others...Sun, Jin, and Sayid....and soon to be Locke, Echo, Charlie, and Hugo) Am I forgetting any?
3) getting many more questions every week with very little resolution of the past
4) The Others always getting their way. The plane survivors need at least a small victory at some point....just to tide me over.
Maybe I'm too dumb to watch this show, but I need to be able to pack up and put aside some past info before getting much satisfaction out of the new stuff.
But next week is the return of Locke and Eco...my two favorite characters.