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Everything posted by MattyT

  1. 15 yards per game? Yeah, I'd say that 105 yards makes a difference. But not as much as the 1 lousy touchdown McGahee has managed and the pitiful 3 rushing TDs that the entire team has to this point. But other than that...yeah, we've got a tremendous rushing O-line.
  2. Please stop saying this! He has played 1 extra game than the top 5 rushers in the AFC and the NFL. His yards per game (which is the only meaningful stat here) is the worst of the top 5 in the NFL by over 15 yards per game! You are basing your argument on an artificial statistic.
  3. Yeah, and picked the worst possible time and place to do it in if you ask me.
  4. Honestly, its gotta be too depressing to look up. But, I'm sure the announcers for the Green Bay game will be happy to tell you.
  5. And of the current top 5 AFC rushers Willis has played 1 more game than all of them. He's spotted them all 60 minutes. Yards per game? 4th out of the top 5 AFC yard leaders Touchdowns? Dead last (compared again to the top 5 AFC yard leaders) with a lousy 1.
  6. I've only seen this feature a few times and today's was Weak with a capital W. I've seen bigger hits playing ball in my neighborhood.
  7. Not to mention the 17 fumbles.
  8. 1 play...1 interception........1 great moment in Cowboys history
  9. I was bothered by that play too. He needs a little more Walter Payton in him.
  10. It matters, but it sure as hell isn't everything.
  11. Or a resurrected Woody Hayes.
  12. Not exactly how it works...
  13. Well written piece. Maybe good enough to give the original author (Leo Roth) and the publisher (Rochester D&C) credit for it.
  14. If you're an American before you go into the bathroom, and an American when you get out of the bathroom, what are you while you're IN the bathroom? Youre-a-peein.
  15. Great. If we ever get to the playoffs then Holcomb's our man.
  16. As this is written, it is the reporters own opinion and doesn't appear to be based on any sort of information from OBD. It is logical to think that a team that is unsuccessful would consider changing their QB...especially when they have someone with experience on the bench. But until I hear it from OBD then it is nothing but speculation. Not shooting the messenger....just working the body a little bit.
  17. The good news is that they can't possibly lose next Sunday. Right?
  18. Willie Parker. Absolute fuggin disaster.
  19. Let's look at the bigger picture. Are we unhappy with the play of our current WRs? I'm not. I think they are bright spots on this team and for the most part they have risen to the challenge. I would like them to get more touches, but for the most part that isn't their fault. So basically, we would be taking one of our good receivers off of the field to replace him with a guy who is new to the position and by doing so, ruining his ability to play CB (where we actually need a lot of help). And since the best part of his game is returning kicks, I'm assuming we wouldn't want to take away that dimension of his game. Practically the only time this poor bastard would be off the field is during halftime! But once the possibility of playoffs is out of our reach, then sure...let's knock ourselves out and put him in there a few times for shizits and grins. It might be the only thing worth watching.
  20. Funny how this piece of "fiction" will likely become the most accurate portrayal of what actually happened that night.
  21. Buffalo also has the second lowest per capita income...ahead of only New Orleans. As a Western NYer, that's pretty friggin depressing.
  22. That's funny...I thought it was a wolf too, but then talked myself out of it when the polar bear showed up.
  23. When Locke and Charlie brought Eko to the beach there were two new castaways there. We knew that there were other castaways on the island but we rarely (if ever) were able to see them clearly enough to make out their faces. They usually just milled-about in the background. In this case, not only were we able to see their faces, but they had dialog and I think Locke called them by name. I'd be interested to see if their characters get developed. (Not that I need more to try to keep track of.) One thing I had a question about....at one point Charlie told Hurley to "go to the kitchen" to get something. Wasn't the kitchen in the hatch? Shouldn't Charlie know that the kitchen is gone since he and Locke saw the impoloded wreckage?
  24. It said that I'm as cool as this guy.
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