I should pin this, but I'm not going to pin it, so just pay attention and please remember this warning...
Do not put a ton of stock in NEP, CES or VoteCast Exit Polls. Take them with a grain of salt WHETHER THEY ARE GOOD OR BAD for your candidate.
They are revised MULTIPLE times including after Election Day, and have been wrong more than right in the modern era.
In 2000, Florida was bogusly called for Gore, who thought he was going to win.
He lost.
In 2004, Team Kerry was celebrating certain victory after he got them, showing that he was even going to win Virginia, Florida and Ohio. Tim Russert was BEAMING!
Kerry lost all three, and the election.
2016, Hillary Clinton was ahead in EVERY single battleground state,
She lost ALL of them, plus some others and the election.
In 2020, Biden won, except only four days later. His lead was not nearly as large as Exit Polls suggested.
In 2022, Republicans looked unbeatable in the first and second waves back in 2022.
They underperformed, especially in key states and lost those elections.
Now, please go back and reread 🚨A WARNING ON THE EXIT POLLS🚨 above.