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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. End stage. Incurable.
  2. LRon !@#$stain... Claiming that his wife is a 10 is an equally sad message board move as those who say that actual 10's are unfuk.cable. Rage on LRon!
  3. I hope we don't get dragged into this... - Tib-stain
  4. Roundy, LRon and that dude who thought it was laughable that that I didn't know what the kick streaming platform is.
  5. Quack, MD baby!
  6. Reminder, your freedoms include your right to speak and express yourself freely. It doesn't include the right that everyone must listen to you. IOW, being ignored because you're a useful idiot while you're allowed to freely express yourself isn't a violation of your freedom of speech rights.
  7. From the news outlet that had its Twitter account locked for accurately reporting the real as a heart attack Hunter Biden laptop story.
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