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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. 2 hours ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

    The test is not flawed.  And the assumption is the objective is to detest active infections.  The virus lives and is active in the host for 5 to 7 days.  A true positive test would have to be performed in that 7 day window.  But the PCR test identifies the existence of viral material in the sample nasal swab and it can be active or inactive.  The test does not differentiate.  But the sensitivity, or amplification rate, of the test can be altered either lower or higher to produce less or more positives.  Setting the amplification rate of the test sample higher produces positives for viral DNA that can be fragments or dead viral material that is present but does not represent an active infection.  This "flaw" was and is known by everyone familiar with the PCR test.  So scientists or officials intentionally setting and insisting on the high amplification rate knew what they're doing and to me that implies intent.  The government didn't follow the science.  They ignored it.  I've read articles that suggest up to 70% false positives. 


    Many viral experts have brought this issue up during the course of the pandemic but of course they got shot down or were silenced.  So these admissions of ignorance and hindsight now reek of CYA.


    Yes. What you speak of here is the Ct or cycle threshold value used as a cutoff for positive or negative samples. Each cycle of a pcr test contains a series of steps which include rapidly raising and lowering the temperature of the sample that allow for the various biochemical reactions and processes to take place. Each complete cycle results in a doubling of the viral RNA target sequence present in the sample. Based on this principle you can understand that a sample with a lot of virus might only take 20 cycles before turning positive, and a sample containing only small amounts of intact virus or viral fragments would require many more cycles to generate enough target sequence to flag a positive. If you let a test run through enough cycles you can often genrrate false positive on viral fragments.


    I've developed PCR tests for other pathogens and I've never seen a Ct value of anywhere near 40 used, yet that was the published Ct value used in many labs for covid. This definitely produced a ton of false positives. In my experience a Ct cutoff of 30-34 is more appropriate. The way you determine the cutoff value for a particular test or virus is by running clinical samples in viral culture alongside the PCR.  After running enough samples in both tests you'll find for example that anything >32 cycles does not produce positive viral culture results,  so 32 becomes the Ct value for the PCR assay. I'd love to see the viral culture data showing consistent culture positives on samples with Ct values of 37-39. Color me highly skeptical. 


    Here's a link to the news article where  many of these issues are covered.


    And yes , I brought up this issue very early on in the pandemic.







  2.  I don't doubt the data. It was a good idea to get vaccinated for almost everyone when they were tolled out and it is still a good idea for those with comorbidities.


    Still the data you cite is deaths per 100k and the vaccines are indeed effective at lowering risk for hospitalizations and death.  But deaths per 100k is not a metric used to label an outbreak as a pandemic.  The current vaccines no longer offer anywhere near the efficacy in preventing infection or transmission that they did for wild type covid.  So the political slogan "pandemic of the unvaccinated"  is just that...a political slogan.






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  3. 1 hour ago, Chef Jim said:

    How do they know the sexuality of the respondents?   And how do you oversamle them?  Keep asking until you get the answers you want I guess?  


    They knew who the LGTBQ members of their database are and they oversampled them in the poll.





    KnowledgePanel is the oldest and largest probability-based online panel in the U.S.—with about 60,000 members. 


    Built on a foundation of address-based sampling (ABS), KnowledgePanel provides a statistically valid representation of the U.S. population as well as many under-researched and often harder-to-reach populations, such as:

    Black and African Americans

    Latinos, including Spanish speakers

    Asian Americans


    Americans with disabilities

    Young adults (ages 13+)

    Parents of teens and young children

    LGBTQ people and people with nonbinary gender identities

    Rural communities

    Non-internet and cellphone-only households



  4. Trump could meander on and on about faeries and unicorns and it still wouldn't hold a candle to the pee tape, Alpha bank, Michael Cohen in Prague fake dossier bull#### that many here STILL believe to be real.


    We need a phrase for these folks that goes beyond useful idiots.

    • Like (+1) 2
  5. Reuters is full of *****?





    March 10 (Reuters) - Meta Platforms (FB.O) will allow Facebook and Instagram users in some countries to call for violence against Russians and Russian soldiers in the context of the Ukraine invasion, according to internal emails seen by Reuters on Thursday, in a temporary change to its hate speech policy.

    The social media company is also temporarily allowing some posts that call for death to Russian President Vladimir Putin or Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko, according to internal emails to its content moderators.



    I wonder how long it would take Twitter and Facebook to ban say Dave Chappelle if he posted an image of himself holding the bloody decapitated head of Joe Biden?


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  6. That post game interview speaks volumes about Jack and his lack of maturity.  As much as it must hurt to come back and lose a game that Vegas needed badly he needed to just grit his teeth and throw out the cliches:


    "they were the better team out there tonight and deserved to win but I have to do better"


    "they have a great fanbase here and they were really behind them tonight and I think it gave them an extra lift" 


    you know ***** that nobody actually believes but the smart players say it anyway.


    Instead we got pouty whiny Jack on full display.  He never was and never will be a leader despite all that talent.

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