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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. 1 minute ago, Doc said:


    Yeah but that's different (not really, but that's all lefties can say).


    Same exact scenario happens tonight at the White House and the left is raging.  And I'd be right there with them because law and order must be maintained no matter what type of moron currently occupies the White House.


    But again that's not a hard call to make when you actually have principles.

  2. 31 minutes ago, Logic said:

    I'm genuinely curious:

    1.) Why do you suppose republicans used the filibuster to kill a bipartisan, independent commission? Doesn't it seem like the events of January 6th were serious enough to warrant such an investigation?


    I'm going to go with the same reason democrats kill sensible bills like providing secret service protection to Supreme Court justices whose private homes are being protested at on a nightly basis.  It's completely self serving.


    Pro Tip:  Congressional "investigations" are ALWAYS self serving.  Both sides.  Always.




    31 minutes ago, Logic said:



    2.) Do you think it's reasonable, after killing a bipartisan, independent commission, to complain that the commission wound up being not bipartisan or independent enough?



    Do you think it's reasonable to think had they not killed the first attempt that the commission would have have been any more "bipartisan" or independent than what we're currently witnessing? 


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  3. Yeah we ended up with a "bi-partisan" committee alright.  ^_^


    oh no THE FEDERALIST!!!




    “With respect for the integrity of the investigation, with an insistence on the truth and with concern about statements made and actions taken by these Members, I must reject the recommendations of Representatives Banks and Jordan to the Select Committee,” she wrote.


    So Jim Jordan gets to be the ranking member on the Judiciary Committee, but he's unacceptable to participate in the 1/6 commission? Nancy Pelosi has lost her mind.

    — Ben Domenech (@bdomenech) July 21, 2021

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  4. 1 hour ago, ChiGoose said:


    Look man. I don't know you and you don't know me. But take a step back and look at what's actually being posted on this board. It's a swamp of garbage posts with little facts or logic. Just quick hits to get people angry and congratulate themselves on being smarter than everyone else. Any time an actual discussion accidentally happens, someone swoops in with the latest drivel from the Federalist or Red State.


    Says the guy who posts ***** from Axios.  You've got to be kidding.  It may have been you who posted nonsense from emptywheel as well, I can't remember.  


    1 hour ago, ChiGoose said:


    The quality of writing is poor, the news sources are horseshit, and very few people actually want to engage in discussion. It's just about pointing fingers and feeling superior. 


    Whenever anything is introduced that may contradict the predominant worldview on PPP, it is immediately dismissed as not credible or the conversation is sidetracked into one of the standard whataboutisms. There is absolutely zero interest in hearing different perspectives.


    Again. Pot. Kettle. Black.  You may have come here with the intention of being above the fray but you have failed miserably.



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  5. 1 hour ago, ChiGoose said:

    It's really hard to understand how anyone could watch that presentation and still defend it as a peaceful protest or handwave it away because it was definitely all the fault of sleeper FBI agents.


    These people were traitors to the US and they attacked our government.


    Maybe because nobody here has said that. Every single person who entered the capitol should face appropriate punishment. Got it?


    What's amazing to us is how people can watch the events of J6 and call it an insurrection. 


    When not a single firearm was confiscated among the protesters. A rag tag bunch of unarmed, mostly older Americans was going to stage a coup over the the most powerful nation in the world? Lol. It's beyond ridiculous. 


    Then you have the incredibly lax security with video showing capitol police standing by as people streamed in as if they were entering a museum, even remaining inside the velvet ropes. Lol. Insurrection!


    And yes, it appears there were FBI informants present, one of whom was front and center in the group that made the initial breach of the police barricade. Talk about handwaving away crucial video evidence.


    The only people who died on J6 as a direct result of the "insurrection" were protesters.  Yet all we hear about are the five police officers who died as a result of J6, a blatant lie.


    So yes, if you want to call J6 an insurrection then you've been had. Again.

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  6. I suppose we can rely on places like CNN to keep us up to date on current events, right?


    A reporter standing in front of a burning building and telling you that the protests are most peaceful sure was a doozy.


    Or maybe we should rely on multiple networks telling us that five law enforcement officers died because of January 6th. A blatant lie told over and over and over again.


    So if the question is are non Fox viewers better informed about the current corporate media narrative? Yes, then that is absolutely true.

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  7. 9 minutes ago, Doc said:


    Dead giveaway.  And I wonder if a lip-reader can figure out what he said to that idiot.


    Leaving out Epps and what his role might have been, this video shared by the committee in search of "truth" is unquestionably doctored. 


    So not only do they refuse to release thousands of hours of capitol security video, they take video already out there and edit it so that it contains LESS information than it originally did. 


    The stench of corruption is thick.



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