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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. 3 minutes ago, Tenhigh said:

    I think if Epps broke the law he should he held accountable, just like the other folks who were arrested there.   He was there, inciting people to illegally enter the building, whether it was the night before or not. 


     I have no interest in any Qanon nonsense, so you can take that and most sincerely stuff it up the end of your rainbow.  But if the details of the Ray Epps don't at least make you do a double take, in light of all of the shady stuff our government has done over the last 70 years, I am not sure what to tell you. 


    It means he's been had. Bought the narrative of those who have repeatedly lied to the American people hook, line and sinker.

    • Agree 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Tenhigh said:


    "Whoever incites, sets on foot, assists, or engages in any rebellion or insurrection against the authority of the United States or the laws thereof, or gives aid or comfort thereto, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; and shall be incapable of holding any office under the United States."



    He was at the event trying to incite people to illegally enter the building, which was, according to many folks around here, an attempt to overturn the election illegally.  If that is what it was, than, it was an insurrection, and he sure seems guilty of inciting.  Unless its not an insurrection, then he's likely just guilty of inciting a riot. 


    Stop it. Ray Epps didn't do anything wrong. Other than encourage people to break the law and be in the first group to breach police restricted area barricades. But thats different. 


    Others can be charged for doing the same, but leave Epps alone please.

  3. 39 minutes ago, Jauronimo said:

    You have posted 5 straight articles from a source that has been totally discredited claiming each one is the smoking gun.  Again, when countered with facts you have no argument.  You don't even attempt to counter.  This is a pathetic showing.  


    Facts! :lol:


    From Newsweek, Lawandcrime brought to you by David Abrams of ABC, and a local reporter who is currently breathlessly reporting on the sham committee hearings and runs a newsletter called "Capitol Breach"


    Lol. ***** you and your "facts"


    39 minutes ago, Jauronimo said:



    I guess I missed where Epps pepper sprayed cops, amassed guns, bragged about entering the capitol and assaulting cops.  Comparing apples to dog**** is an interesting way to advance a baseless conspiracy theory but you are on a roll. 


    Julie Kelly is not going to go out with you.


    Keep moving those goalposts. 


    Game. Set. Match.

    • Like (+1) 1
  4. Lets recap @Jauronimo in this thread.


    Ray Epps didn't enter the capitol and committed no violence. Therefore he shouldn't be charged.


    Multiple examples are shown of protesters who were charged with entering a restricted area, not the Capitol itself, and committed no violence. So I'm sorry you're dead wrong.


    But Ray Epps is protected by his 1A rights when he encouraged people that "WE (that includes Ray Epps) must go INTO the Capitol" according to @Jauronimo


    Which Ray Epps are we to believe? The one who said that he would arrested for encouraging people to go into the Capitol?




    When others allegedly encouraged people to enter the Capitol (Caldwell, Straka) well now then THAT'S different and its justifiable grounds to support charging them.


    Dude you're a clown show. 


    It's interesting that you're going to such great lengths in being a clown by defending a "Trump supporter" like Ray Epps.


    What are you, some kind of insurrectionist?




  5. 9 minutes ago, Jauronimo said:

    How do you get embarrassed so thoroughly and declare victory?   Lets go again.









    Again, Julie Kelly shockingly makes no mention of what he is charged with and why he was charged and takes him for his word.  Just another sob story for these persecuted patriots.  By Kelly's journalistic standards, there are no guilty people.  Lets see what led to charges:




    So which Caldwell are we to believe?  The guy bragging about assaulting cops and entering the capitol or the one facing the consequences of his own actions and now claims it was all locker room talk?  Or maybe the guy stockpiling weapons in preparation of Trump enacting the Insurrection Act? I'm sure being an unrepentant *****wit really helped his hearings.  


    Yet somehow he was charged.  How he found himself in this mess is another mystery for the ages.  


    Take the L man. Just take the L.

  6. So now that its game, set, match on @Jauronimo dead wrong contention that since Ray Epps didn't enter the capitol and didn't engage in violence that he shouldn't be charged.  So let's meet some of your fellow Americans who also never entered the Capitol and never engaged in violence...yet somehow they were charged anyway.


    Oh and Julie Kelly has orders of magnitude more integrity and credibility than anyone else on J6. She has infinite and immeasurable more credibility than @Jauronimo.


    Let's meet Thomas Caldwell. Never entered the Capitol. No violence. Navy veteran.  And an FBI swat team shows up at his door.


    But Ray Epps must be defended or ignored at all costs!



    Caldwell never entered the Capitol building, has no criminal record, and honorably served the country for 20 years in the military, but Judge Hoppe agreed with the government to keep him behind bars. “The conduct and the statements of Mr. Caldwell . . . it really just is pure lawlessness and contempt for laws of this country,” Hoppe said, referring to some of Caldwell’s Facebook posts and texts.

    Caldwell spent 53 days in jail, 49 of them in solitary confinement. He could not access his medication to relieve excruciating back pain caused by spinal injuries Caldwell suffered while serving in the Navy.


    • Angry 1
  7. 1 minute ago, Jauronimo said:

    That is all you have to say for yourself?  You post another bull#### article from a bull#### source which gets all the facts wrong and have your argument entirely blown up and you accuse me of twisting? What part of presenting the facts do you consider twisting?


    Your credibility is lower than Julie Kelly's.  Have an ounce of integrity and own it.




    Lol. Guilty of entering capitol grounds.


    Have an ounce of integrity and own it.





    A federal judge on Tuesday found Couy Griffin, a founder of Cowboys for Trump and the second January 6 defendant to go on trial as part of the Justice Department's massive prosecution, guilty of trespassing on US Capitol grounds while Vice President Mike Pence was there.


    Griffin now faces the same conviction as a number of Capitol riot defendants who pleaded guilty to a single charge of illegally entering restricted grounds.


    Not entering the Capitol, guilty entering restricted grounds.


    Just as Ray Epps did.


    Maybe that dude cutting down the restricted area fencing.....ahh nevermind it's all just a crazy conspiracy!



  9. 2 hours ago, Jauronimo said:



    Its really shocking to me that storied news sources like AmericanGreatness.com omitted some relevant details like :


     In fact AG misses his charges entirely as they go on to write:


    "Worrell never entered the Capitol building on January 6; he isn’t accused of committing a violent crime. But a D.C. judge overturned a Florida judge’s ruling to release Worrell pending further review of his case. He remains in jail."


    Pepper spraying police sounds like he was accused of a violent crime.  What is going on at AmericanGreatness.com that they dropped the ball so badly?  Maybe AG has some kind of slant? This Julie Kelly is looking about as credible as Charlie Kelly right now.


    30 seconds of diligence is all that took to unravel your latest smoking gun.  Do a little homework before you present the next article you find on LetsGoBrandon.org.  


    Pretzels again. But thats different....




    • Like (+1) 1
  10. 3 hours ago, Jauronimo said:

    Ray Epps didn't remove any barriers according to the videos you posted.  He also didnt enter the capitol building.  So no, not the same.  Not even close.  According to you and basically only you, he ordered someone to remove the barriers.  That individual, Ryan Samsel, disagrees and says a member of the Proud Boys actually encouraged him to storm the barrier.  Maybe hes scared that Ray Epps the Western themed wedding venue kingpin has reach in prison will have him snuffed out if he rats?  That would be a nice wrinkle to this never ending game of innuendo and baseless claims.


    As far as deflection, you just posted three straight whatabouts after your Ray Epps mastermind argument fell apart.  The great thing about whatabouts is you have 800 more to play with before you'll have to concede.  Yes, I'm the one twisting because the FBI isn't actively investigating, checks notes, removal of snow fencing and instead is going after people who assaulted law enforcement and illegally entered the capitol building.  


    You didn't read the OP in this thread. Got it.


    Straw man alert. I never called Ray Epps or anyone else a mastermind. I'm simply asking why he and others haven't been held to the same standard of justice. That's it. You prefer to handwave all these things  away when doing so suits your narrative.


     Keep twisting yourself into pretzels trying to defend the obvious unequal application of the law here. 

  11. 3 minutes ago, Jauronimo said:

    Classic.  So no more Ray Epps and we're on to whatabout CaptainSandalsAndSocks and the JeanShortsAvenger.  The fun thing about this game is that you offer zero compelling proof that Ray Epps and others were working together, have ties to federal agencies, or anything concrete to back up this grand theory and when your arguments get knocked down you just move on to the next case.


    What charges should these individuals face for laws actually broken?  Did they enter the capitol building?  How many other people were charged for removing snow fence that day and are facing confinement at CIA black sites?


    So Kelley entered the Capitol building that day and is being charged like hundreds of other who did the same.  Weird that there is no mention of hand signals in his charges.





    Classic deflection.


    No big deal then to witness a guy on video taking down restricted area fencing. Perfectly OK that the FBI has no interest in THAT guy. Lol.


    Ryan Kelleys charging docs call out encouraging protesters via hand gestures. It also calls out assisting in removing a police barricade. These are the exact same actions that Ray Epps carried out. There are numerous people charged who never entered the Capitol. 


    Keep twisting yourself into pretzels.


    But THOSE guys I can explain!

  12. Hand gestures made by Ryan Kelley gets him arrested. What about this guy who encouraged protesters for over an hour over a megaphone to move closer and then to "fill up the Capitol"


    Seems like insurrectionist behavior to me. I wonder why this guy hasn't been charged? Another prime opportunity for a fresh scalp for the J6 committee...



  13. @Jauronimo


    What about this guy? Doesn't appear on any FBI wanted lists. There is no indication they have spoken to this man or that they wish to. Why I wonder? Seems like removing restricted area fencing at the capitol in the middle of an insurrection is kind of insurrection-y behavior, isn't it?


    If we heard something about this guy during the J6 hearings, we'll now THAT would be something new. And think about the political hay to be made by netting a fresh insurrectionist scalp for everyone to see!


    I wonder why we've never heard a peep about this guy?



  14. 8 hours ago, Jauronimo said:

    Is that a crime?


    C'mon man indeed.  




    For Ryan Kelley it apparently is. Because he made hand gestures encouraging people to move towards the Capitol steps. Ray Epps is cool though.


    It's funny the pretzels you'll twist yourself into to defend a Trump supporter and his actions on Jan 6th. I mean the guy is a dirty insurrectionist isn't he?

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