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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. 6 hours ago, Jauronimo said:

    You call me out unprompted, toss a few insults my way, and then declare there's no point in discussing anything with me?!?!?   


    But its not personal.....at least I have that going for me.


    Question Mark What GIF by MOODMAN


    Yep, I agreed when you said exactly that yesterday and reiterated my agreement today. So no I won't be "discussing" any of this with you, you've proved that you're loaded to the gills with confirmation bias. 


     I may call out your BS here and there going forward.



    • Agree 1
    • Haha (+1) 1
  2. 3 hours ago, wnyguy said:

    Let the Dems have their Jan 6 hearings, it's a red herring anyways. When your average American goes to the voting booth this will have no impact, its all about the economy stupid.


    Absolutely.  It seems like the only people who didn't realize this would all blow up in their face is the committee itself and TDS cult members.


    It's fun to watch.

    • Vomit 1
    • Agree 1
  3. 1 hour ago, Jauronimo said:





    Another innocent bystander and political prisoner.  Just a guy and his buddy trying to help out a little old lady. #Julie'sHeroes


    Strawman. Check.


    1 hour ago, Jauronimo said:

    These guys had the foresight to post their actions on facebook and SnapChat and save the tax payers a few bucks on the investigation.


    Believing what the prosecution says without question. Check.


    1 hour ago, Jauronimo said:


    I agree, release the tapes and lets see how someone who isn't Nichols defense attorney interprets the 


    Doubt the defendant who has been denied his day in court for 18 months and is absolutely being treated as a political prisoner. Check.


    Same BS different day from you. I'm shocked.


    I'm sure his wife is making all of this up too. Third world gulag treatment. And you support it.



  4. Meet DC gulag political prisoner Ryan Nichols. His attorney was permitted to view unreleased surveillance footage. Will he be called as a witness by the committee seeking "truth?"  Or better yet will they just release ALL of the video so people can decide for themselves?


    No and no.



    I'm sure many will justify the police conduct described below because Trump supporter and in a "restricted area".


    Anyone who honestly wants to know the truth would after reading this description below want to view the video for themselves.


    But again we already know many media leftist lapdogs here have absolutely no interest in the truth.


    McBride focused on the conduct of one officer in particular, with badge number L359 and wearing a white shirt. The unidentified officer begins “to beat a man for no apparent reason . . . [and] beats the man so badly that the man crawls over to the woman with the MAGA hat.”

    At this point, according to the security video, the officer turns his sights on the woman. “Then for reasons that no fair minded or decent human being will ever understand—[the officer wearing the] White-shirt turns his attention to the woman and begins to pulverize her,” McBride explained. “The weapon this officer appears to be using is a collapsible stick, designed to break windows in emergency situations. This stick is neither designed nor to be used against another human being.”



    For the next several minutes, between 4 p.m. and around 4:15 p.m., the officer in the white shirt relentlessly beats the woman; McBride furnished a literal blow-by-blow account in the court document. (The time stamp is based on a three-hour video clip, not time of day.)


    2:07:01: White-shirt hits the woman in the head with his baton five times in seven seconds;

    2:07:22: The woman is sprayed directly in the eyes by officer on ledge;

    2:07:24: White-shirt uses his baton to hit another person with a mask on;

    2:07:30: The woman and others are still being maced and hit by White-shirt and ledge officer;



    2:07:38: Blood is visibly coming out of the woman’s head and can be seen on the white hoody;

    2:07:55: White-shirt and other officers are randomly assaulting people for no apparent reason;

    2:08:17: White-shirt makes his way to front of crowd again and targets woman who is attempting to escape;

    2:08:30: White-shirt spears and pokes the woman with his baton about the head, neck, and face so as to inflict maximum pain;

    2:08:46: White-shirt beats the woman with his baton striking her eight times in six seconds;

    2:09:13: White-shirt punches the woman in the face, with his left-hand, landing five punches in five seconds, with all of his might;

    2:09:35: Another officer joins in and starts beating the woman in the head with his baton, landing twelve strikes in seven seconds;

    2:10:47: If you pause the video here, you will see the welts on the woman’s face along with a disturbing look of helplessness;

    2:10:54: Officers push the woman around the tunnel;


    2:10:55: The woman briefly collapses; 

    2:11:13: White-shirt follows the woman to the front of the tunnel and beats her with his baton as she’s falling; 

    2:11:24: The woman is taken to the back of tunnel and is never seen again.



  5. Just now, Jauronimo said:

    If you think the sources you frequent have the integrity to retract, correct, or admit any fault then that would be completely on brand for you.  


    USA Today was the first hit when I googled one of your Jan 6 sob stories about the persecuted bystander who pepper sprayed a cop.  It was corroborated by 20 other sources.  For some weird reason AG had a different version. 


    You're clearly very butthurt and making this personal. 


    It ain't personal. You are just a more articulate and less of a broken record  version of @BillStime and @Tiberius. But you're in the exact same "cult" as they are often fond of saying.


    So I'm going to agree again with what you said yesterday, there's no point discussing any of this with you. 


    You've been had and you want to continue slurping down the lies. Enjoy it and embrace it!

    • Haha (+1) 2

    Leak false info to activist journalists who eagerly print said false info without any attempt to independently verify. 


    Wash. Rinse. Repeat


    As you can see for yourselves, she invited me to give an update about election litigation to a group she met with periodically.  Those from the January 6 committee who leaked a false impression about that email should be ashamed of themselves, but the Post should be embarrassed for running a story based on their false innuendo.

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