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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. 2 hours ago, Big Blitz said:

    Omg they said "super contagious" lol lol




    Pfizer says tweaked COVID-19 shots boost omicron protection


    Pfizer announced Saturday that tweaking its COVID-19 vaccine to better target the omicron variant is safe and works — just days before regulators debate whether to offer Americans updated booster shots this fall.


    The vaccines currently used in the U.S. still offer strong protection against severe COVID-19 disease and death -- especially if people have gotten a booster dose. But those vaccines target the original coronavirus strain and their effectiveness against any infection dropped markedly when the super-contagious omicron mutant emerged.





    And Pfizer said so.



    What a disgusting sham.  


    Omicron and its relatives super contagious?  OK, sure.


    And its also true that omicron is substantially less virulent than preceeding variants.


    I wonder why this AP story mentions one and not the other? 




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  2. 37 minutes ago, Doc said:


    Funny how they don't blink an eye at political prisoners being jailed for years or creating a Ministry of Truth.  And that's what makes them dangerous.


    Using the powers of the state to punish and imprison political opponents?


    Creating a government agency to discern what is disinformation and what isn't?


    Well you see those things don't align with fascism at all. Those things are.... you guessed it..... different!



    • Haha (+1) 1
  3. I see that we are back to protests being "mostly peaceful"


    Attacking state legislatures....not peaceful


    Blocking traffic....not peaceful.



    Attacking police with makeshift flamethrowers...not peaceful.



    Threatening to bomb the SC...not peaceful. 


    Attacking and setting fire to pro life pregnancy centers...not peaceful. 


    Back to attacking the federal courthouse in Portland....still not peaceful. 



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  4. 28 minutes ago, LeGOATski said:

    Someone kicked the door, but who knows. Could've just been the FBI tryin to stir ***** up again. Gotta check the memos first.


    Crazy conspiracy theories!!!! It's not as if a jury has already found that the FBI did exactly that.








    Against the objections of prosecutors, Jonker notified the jury last Friday they could consider entrapment. Jonker advised jurors to ask themselves whether “the agent or informant persuade[d] the defendant who is not already willing to commit a crime to do something illegal?”


    A roster of FBI agents and experts took the stand during the three-week trial, which was temporarily delayed due to one participant’s COVID diagnosis; Dan Chappel, the lead informant and government’s star witness known as “Big Dan,” explained how he brought the makeshift group of alleged “militia” members together after he was hired by the FBI in March 2020. Chappel created encrypted chat groups and organized excursions for field training and surveillance of Whitmer’s cottage. (He, along with other FBI informants, posed as leaders of two “militia” groups, at least one of which was created by the FBI.)

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  5. On 6/24/2022 at 4:21 PM, leh-nerd skin-erd said:

    Fascism usually starts with the invoking of a folk myth ("illegitimate" "coup!" "treason!" "i have proof"--check) as a justification for righteous rioting and looting and, ultimately, the use of force.  As  a political ethos it requires a demonized enemy of the state ("deplorable", "irredeemable", "nazis", "fascists" and every now and again "subhuman cretins"), and is characterized by the propagation of the notion of perpetual victim status (Dems -check!) and a militarized state which relies on fear and  armed, often masked groups of anarchists  demanding submission and capitulation. 


    Seems like it's already here. 






    Fascism for facile journalists and the knee-jerk Left is like Justice Potter Stewart’s famous test for obscenity: They know it when they see it. And they see it everywhere

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
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  6. Hypocrites say what? 


    Keep criticizing the source morons because you have absolutely nothing on the double standard.here. Nada.


    What about principles and equal justice?



    On the same day Fox News disclosed that Colbert’s producers would get preferential Beltway treatment for pals of the regime, the FBI arrested Daniel “Hatchet” Speed, a Navy reservist and January 6 protester, on four misdemeanors: entering and remaining in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building or grounds, disorderly conduct in a Capitol building, and parading, demonstrating, or picketing in a Capitol building.


    Nothing Speed is accused of doing on January 6 is worse than what Colbert’s crew did on June 16. Speed entered the Senate wing door around 2:50 p.m., about 30 minutes after the joint session of Congress recessed and the Capitol was evacuated. Capitol police stood nearby, chatting with protesters. Speed walked around the Rotunda and exited at 3:35 p.m. By all accounts, Speed didn’t carry a weapon or assault police officers or even bang on the office doors of sitting members of Congress.

    • Haha (+1) 1
  7. To add more clarity for you morons I'll also add that I originally intended to change my name back after a week or two. However since I never altered my screen name during my TWENTY years posting here I was unaware that you need to wait six months to change it back.


    So you're stuck with DRsGhost for a few months still. It will be fun continuing to watch the idiocy.

  8. Just now, LeGOATski said:

    And thus, DR still lives in your head as much as those you call out. You do seem like the kind of person to start a LAMP. I say do what your heart tells you.


    Yeah, because the timeline that both I and @leh-nerd skin-erd laid out indicates that he lives in MY head. :lol:


    Meanwhile this LAMP obsession thread and posts by you and others say absolutely nothing about how he lives in your head. Pathetic.





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  9. 4 minutes ago, LeGOATski said:

    What other poster was such a prolific contributor and then got booted in such a fashion? He's worth remembering.


    But in this case, it's still a bit hypocritical for @DRsGhostghost to point it out while egging it on. He's like the FBI of the PPP.


    I call it out when a poster makes reference to the real DR still being active in this forum, as the OP did here.


    Do we need a pinned thread to clarify that DR really doesn't post here anymore or do I need to state that I'm not DR a hundred more times?

  10. 1 hour ago, LeGOATski said:

    Says the guy who changed his screen name to DR... 


    Animated GIF


    You can thank @BillStime for that. I was merely another in a long line of posters who were accused of being DR in this forum by that moron.


    So I obliged his lunatic insanity with the name change.


    I never imagined the extent to which it would torque the rest of you though. But it sure is glorious to watch.

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