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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. The King woke up when he stopped being a republican.
  2. Remember we must curb misinformation! Except when the IC colludes with corporate media en masse to misinform the electorate in the weeks before an election. Right L Ron?
  3. Hey Quack, have you assembled that team of expert virologists yet? Even more laughable than untrained dunces like bullstojan are the "doctors" who aren't infectious disease MDs who claim to be virology "experts."
  4. ⬆️ When did you WAKE up, not woke.
  5. This is one reason why he simply will not be allowed to be POTUS again.
  6. Rage On..... Let the TDS consume you....
  7. L Ron posted an article recently about an ivermectin proponent who ended up dying during the pandemic. LRon posted a link to the story to support his contention that those idiot MAGAs were killing themselves by taking ivermectin. Clicking on the link and reading the story in its entirety you find out that the guy had been diagnosed with lyme disease around 2012 and had been taking ivermectin for a decade. Oh. But it was the ivermectin he was taking because of covid that took him down! Couldn't have been the lyme disease. Or a whole host of other things. But.. MiSInfOrMaTIoN must be "curbed"
  8. ⬆️ Patents and publications in vaccine technology: BullStojan: 0.0 Billsfannc: TNTC
  9. ⬆️ I'm going to be looking for stojan at the next vaccine formulation conference I attend. I imagine the intro to his talk will go like this... Mr. Stojan has published extensively in Mother Jones and Huff Post. His "follow the science" research is currently supported by grants from Pornhub and YouPorn. The title of Mr. BullStojan's talk today is: "Liposome Encapsulated mRNA Vaccines: TDS and The Great Orange Rage"
  10. Absolutely nothing exposes useful idiots quite like their unscientific pathetic "follow the science" takes on vaccines. BullStojan strikes again!
  11. What if it's not so much about coaching, systems, accountability and maximizing the potential of the roster talent? What if it's just that the roster talent is what it is and simply isn't good enough to win consistently against other NHL teams?
  12. 🎯 We've got Quack, MD and an english teacher "attorney" in Finding to illustrate his point here every day. And of course The King. At least stojan doesnt claim to be anything other than the guy who jump started his career via the porn industry.
  13. I am pro free speech but I also think we need to curb misinformation. -LRon IOW LRon is all for free speech except for opinions, facts and anything that doesn't adhere to the regime narrative. That speech needs to be "curbed" (read: censored). What a colossal moron.
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