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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. @ChiGoose cmon tell us why this is all on the up and up....



    What is odd is that there is not loud, widespread protest from the reporters who cover the hearing. Journalists generally do not like being fed short, preselected bits of information by newsmakers who keep most of what they know a secret. It just goes against the journalistic instinct. And yet with the Jan. 6 committee, there has been extensive coverage and not much complaining about what the committee is concealing....



    Likewise with the committee's interviews of the two White House staffers involved in Hutchinson's story, then-deputy chief of staff Tony Ornato and Secret Service agent Robert Engel. We learned through reporting that the committee had interviewed them, too, but the committee never mentioned that simple fact during the Hutchinson testimony. Why not?

    Well, it might be because at the time the committee did its interview or interviews with Ornato and Engel, Hutchinson had not yet offered the SUV story, so the committee did not know to ask them about it


    Then one might ask: Why not bring Ornato and Engel back in and ask them about Hutchinson's new story? Apparently, the committee was in too big of a hurry to do that.

  2. 9 hours ago, Doc said:


    Just a few more weeks and the J6 committee will have the guy!


    No, it's just a few more weeks until maybe it will be justified to open up the J6 committee to.....wait for it......criticism...


    As of now they are above reproach of course! :lol:


    @ChiGoose officially joined tibs and billstime in the PPP sewer of delusional moronic idiocy with that one.

    • Agree 1
  3. 6 hours ago, ChiGoose said:

    The Jan 6th committee does not have the power to prosecute anyone. 

    And if you believe anything @DRsGhost says, then I have a golf course in Scotland to sell you. 


    Were there pipe bombs discovered at RNC or DNC headquarters on J6 you cretin?


    When was the last update we received from the FBI, ***** stick?


    An FBI whistle-blower sure raises some questions about this high priority FBI investigation.....you ***** moron....




    According to a letter sent on Wednesday from Rep. Jim Jordan, ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, to FBI Director Christopher Wray, the FBI agent filed a whistleblower disclosure about the pipe bomb investigation — an investigation the Associated Press had characterized as “one of the highest-priority investigations for the FBI and the Justice Department.” The agent alleged that on Feb. 7, 2022, more than a year after the bombs were planted, the bureau’s Washington Field Office asked its other field offices “to canvass all confidential human sources nationwide for information about the individual and the crime.”





  4. 4 minutes ago, L Ron Burgundy said:

    I was thinking the answer to most of this is the Illuminati but it's probably the deep state right?  Ya'll are nuckin futs.


    Let's just start with one from the list. Since you're a moron.


    There is an individual on video who is believed to be responsible for placing pipe bombs at RNC and DNC headquarters on J5. This person has been wanted by the FBI for 18 months.


    Perhaps you can direct me to the link where the FBI has updated the public on the search for this person? 


    Or perhaps where anyone in the media, besides Julie Kelly and a few others have asked for answers about the hunt for this person, the ongoing investigation, or really anything at all?




    You ***** imbecile.

    • Thank you (+1) 1

    So Trump should have been indicted and thrown in jail yesterday based on the one sided sham committee's narrative....


    Yet if it turns out that their promise to release all the testimony by September turns out to be a lie, and it will, well then that would open up the J6 committee to criticism! Well golly gee, really? 




    Clown. Show.





    • Agree 1
  6. On 6/29/2022 at 10:38 PM, ChiGoose said:


    In @716er's defense, @DRsGhost is probably the single dumbest person on this board and has not only never added anything of value, but actively works to make the board as bad as possible.


    If the purpose of this board was to facilitate good discussion and discourage trolling, they would be banned.


    And how very Twitter, Facebook and Ministry of Truth of you....


    Someone is posting something against my line of thinking???


    Ban them.


    You're a clown.

    • Shocked 1
    • Thank you (+1) 1
  7. 3 hours ago, Niagara Bill said:

     trump Rant..seriously...I even mentioned Biden. 


    At least my thoughts I own, unlike your expressions which you get paid to display...now don't bigger denying, nobody would believe you.


    PS, commie is so 50s. 




    I do?  Can you put me in contact with the person who told you that? I'd like to know when I'll be getting my money.


    Clearly you are another in a long line of morons who actually think that I'm the real DR.


    Hey @B-Man please let DR know that I've nabbed another one.

  8. :lol:


    I haven't looked into this thread because I thought it was clearly a joke. 


    LC may try to run, but she has next to zero chance at the nomination.  Especially after this J6 committee debacle.


    The only thing less likely than LC getting the GOP nomination is Biden running again in 2024.  He'd actually have to campaign on his pathetic record in 2024.  And then there's the dementia. Not happening. 

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