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Everything posted by BillsFanNC

  1. I'd agree, but not anymore. Under the rules the left makes everyone play by he's unquestionably a racist of the highest order. Same with Jimmy Kimmel. Unquestionably racist.
  2. Will Quack, MD condemn Kamala Harris for agreeing to an interview with confirmed racist Howard Stern?
  3. It's a big part of why Trump has gathered such unwavering support. When you're opposed with equal vigor by all democrats as well as the GOP old guard then that's more than enough for many people to say that's my guy.
  4. Indeed. Trump was a huge friend to the Stern show when he was still a democrat.
  5. She could do better by not sitting for an interview with a racist.
  6. Kamala will be interviewed by a racist. Imagine that. Or do we need to ask Roundy if putting on black face to mock Clarence Thomas is really racist?
  7. You've chosen to ignore content by 4th&long. Options You've chosen to ignore content by The Frankish Reich. Options You've chosen to ignore content by Backintheday544. Options
  8. 9 days. Joe Biden HATES hillbillies
  9. ⬆️ Ok, 4th gets a pass for posting in PPP during the Bills game. The game today is indeed boring.
  10. If you are even capable of waking up then you've long recognized that dems and republicans are more the same than they are different. Thus why useful idiots like 4th are incapable of seeing things through anything but a blatantly partisan lens.
  11. ⬆️ Expert in not hiding its status as poster formerly known as Billstime.
  12. I have no doubt that Quack is a credentialed doc. However, graduating from med school, passing the boards and having a license to practice medicine are not credentials that create mutual exclusivity from moron status. Thus the accurate moniker I gave it of Quack, MD. The name recognizes its doc status and moron status simultaneously. It thinks it's an expert in virology and immunology because of its status as a doc in whatever unrelated field it practices in. Therefore because everyone became virology, immunology and epidemiology experts during the pandemic as long as they parroted regime narrative, then I can take my 30 years of virology and immunology experience and self declare expert status in any field at all. Law? I'm an expert despite not spending a day in law school. You're a racist if you challenge me. Engineering? I'll tell you exactly how to build that bridge. Don't question my expertise, especially after that bridge collapses. Environmental science? I got A's in a few undergrad ecology classes. Guess what that makes me? Yep. An expert climatologist. Your rules. Sorry, not sorry.
  13. Compare how the New York Times covered Hurricane Katrina (red) vs. Hurricane Helene (blue). Katrina: 12 consecutive days of full-page coverage on A1. All-caps banner headlines. Countless articles about the failures of the Bush administration. Helene: Seven days of minor coverage on A1 (none at all on day two). Mostly just photo captions referencing articles on page A12 or A19. Zero mentions of any potential failures on the part of the Biden-Harris administration. Still think there's no media bias?
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