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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. 48 minutes ago, Demongyz said:

    Nothing will come of this. He has been under investigation for years.


    Here is the deal, if they charge Trump and he goes to prison or is not allowed to run for office, this country will destroy itself.


    Things will not go well if they indict and open up the possibility of an actual defense and all that comes with it. It's the same reason they are denying due process to the DC gulag prisoners. If those go to trial before the midterms, the defense will introduce all the evidence that's  inconvenient for the sham committee. 


    Can't have that.

    • Agree 2
  2. 3 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    Maybe you guys can take a break from screaming at each other for a minute, but it's always been my understanding that the President does not have the authority to order up the National Guard.  His authority extends only to making the Guard available for others (mayor, speaker, etc.) to utilize their services.


    That's your understanding because it's the law.

  3. The Capitol police memo shows that the DoD under Trump made national guard request and it was turned down multiple times.


    For the intellectually impaired like @BillStime, the pdf of the memo is linked in the story below so you can read it yourself, not that words in black and white would make an difference in his case.


    Additionally,  the LAW requires that Pelosi or Bowser to formally request the National Guard. Trump or any President CANNOT deploy them unilaterally.





  4. 11 hours ago, billsfan_34 said:

    We can all go “round and round” but can we at least agree the FBI, DOJ, Homeland Security et al are corrupt to the corps? A good start to getting any faith in our government agencies would be a top to bottom review by those on both sides of the aisle…tall order I know. At minimum, I would settle for Hunter being brought to trial, but that is probably a stretch to. Guess I shall get back to working and paying my taxes without representation lol


    No, you will never get leftists to admit these agencies are even a little bit corrupt. The FBI is punishing their political opponents, how can that be corrupt?


    The minute that they actually indict Hunter Biden however, I promise you it will be spun as a political witch hunt.


    The corruption is as plain as day to those of is who live in the real world, they however live in a world where the sky is green.

  5. 31 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:


    The charges were reduced because he's pleading guilty... That is pretty standard.


    DoJ charges person with crime. Person negotiates to plead to lesser crime. DoJ agrees, expensive trial is avoided, case closed.


    I think there are fair critiques to this process, but this is all in alignment with how things work across the country and his treatment is no different.


    If that's standard, then it aligns perfectly with the title of this thread.


    Unless you think that people should be charged with crimes that there exists no evidence for, in order to get defendants to plea to something else


    There's nothing else to call that except corrupt.

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