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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. 16 minutes ago, Big Blitz said:

    He's got Covid again!





    In reality this is likely the same infection. That's what happens when you use a ridiculous Ct cutoff value >37. One day you might be negative and the next positive because you're only amplifying viral fragments and generating false positive results. Millions upon millions of false positive covid tests have been generated throughout the pandemic because of this.


    Anyone who has ever been in PCR assay development for respiratory viruses laughs at the completely ludicrous Ct values used in these covid tests. 

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  2. 21 hours ago, wnyguy said:

    And I bet those 81 million voters are rolling over in their graves right about now.


    Say what you will about rigged elections and claims of fraud, but there is absolutely nothing that outs someone as a partisan hack who has been totally had and hoodwinked than the person who truly believes that Joe Biden got 81 million legit votes.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    What I find interesting is that long long before there was ever a hint of a January 6th Tribunal, I happen to hear Mr Patel on a local radio station explaining how they offered the national guard. But now that the story has shifted from ‘Trump pushed for a riot’ to ‘Trump didn’t stop the riot’ the Clown Show has to look for another way to prove the conclusion they’ve already come to. Public ‘hearing’ my arse! 


    Patel has  requested that the J6 committee release his testimony transcript. Many times.  He has laid out what his testimony was to the committee in multiple interviews and backed up DoD adherence to the law by citing SC cases etc.


    He says his testimony transcript is around 150 pages, with very little of it relating to J6. According to Patel much of the questioning was around other aspects of his work at DoD and with Devin Nunes exposing the Russia hoax. Why would the committee laser focused on finding out the truth and nothing but the truth about J6 go fishing off topic like that I wonder?


    I'm sure we will find out when all the testimony transcripts are released in full by the end of September. 



  4. 3 hours ago, Gene Frenkle said:




    For the 1000th time Trump cannot unilaterally order the NG to deploy. So Miller would be correct in that testimony because Trump or any President does not have the authority to deploy the National Guard.


    Trump can, through the DoD, ask if those who are required by law to make the request to deploy the NG (SSAA, HSAA or DC mayor) if they would like to make that request.


    Which is exactly what happened. The entities whose formal request is required turned down the opportunity for NG deployment multiple times.


    Crickets indeed.

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  5. 42 minutes ago, Doc said:


    "Durr, where's the evidence of Joke's corruption?"


    I'm leaving here in 6 hours, if the prosecutor isn't fired you're not getting the money. Well son of a B word..(laughter from an adoring media)...he got fired.


    That's not a quid pro quo using US loan guarantees in order to get a prosecutor fired who happens to be investigating the oil and gas company that your son sits on its board of directors . 


    What evidence of corruption?



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  6. 1 hour ago, SoCal Deek said:
    8 hours ago, BillStime said:

    DR - where is the proof that Nancy rejected Trumps National Guard offer? 

    If it happened - you know Trump would have released that correspondence immediately.


    Why hasn’t that happened?



     It doesn’t work that way. The correct question is why didn’t Nancy request it? 



    JFC. It's in the USCP memo in black and white. 


    The memo in its entirety is linked in the Solomon piece above. He quotes from the USCP memo timeline as follows, with direct quote from USCP memo bolded.


    The Capitol Police official timeline provides the most succinct summary of a series of events around Sund's request, some of which have been disputed and at times misreported in the news media.


    "COP Sund asks Senate Sergeant at Arms (SSAA) Michael Stenger and House Sergeant at Arms (HSAA) Paul Irving for authority to have National Guard to assist with security for the January 6, 2021 event based on briefing with law enforcement partner and revised intelligence Assessment," the timeline recorded. "COP Sund's request is denied. SSAA and HSAA tell COP Sund to contact General Walker at DC National Guard to discuss the guard's ability to support a request if needed."


    And here is Kash Patel once again reiterating how he testified under oath to the J6 committee. Why can't we read his testimony? If he lied under oath there's another Trump crony that can be locked up, right?


    "We went to the Capitol Police and the Secret Service and law enforcement agencies and Mayor Bowser days before January 6, and asked them, 'Do you want thousands of National Guardsmen and women for January 6?'" Patel said in a detailed interview earlier this year. "They all said no. Why did we do that? The law requires them to request it before we can deploy them. And the DOD IG found we did not delay, we actually prepared in a preemptive fashion, which is what we do at DOD."

    Patel told Just the News on Wednesday night that the police timeline validated the account he has given to Congress.


    "The Capitol Police timeline shows what we have been saying for the last year — that DOD support via the National Guard was refused by the House and Senate sergeant at arms, who report to Pelosi," Patel said. "Now we have it in their own writing, days before Jan. 6. And despite the FBI warning of potential for serious disturbance, no perimeter was established, no agents put on the street, and no fence put up."

  7. To bolster his claims all you need to do is look at how GG is attacked for pointing this out. The guy is dyed in the wool classic liberal, yet for pointing out the obvious lying and corruption in the legacy media he's branded as a far right winger.


    It's laughable.  Trump absolutely broke them, just like he did to so many here. 



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  8. 15 hours ago, DRsGhost said:

    The Capitol police memo shows that the DoD under Trump made national guard request and it was turned down multiple times.


    For the intellectually impaired like @BillStime, the pdf of the memo is linked in the story below so you can read it yourself, not that words in black and white would make an difference in his case.


    Additionally,  the LAW requires that Pelosi or Bowser to formally request the National Guard. Trump or any President CANNOT deploy them unilaterally.






    See? Shocker.


    @BillStime you're an absolute rock solid ***** stain of a moron.

  9. 3 hours ago, SoMAn said:

    Interesting comments on adults and autographs. I will never ask for one from any celebrity. I think the whole thing is kind of stupid.


    But….27 years ago I went to camp at Fredonia with my wife, sister, niece and nephew. 
    Since I had a basement man cave with a bar and few sports items displayed, thought it would be cool to get one of those souvenir Bills-logo footballs for the room.  I bought the ball and asked a couple Bills to sign it thinking that would add to the look.  
    the 2 Bills both reluctantly signed, but not before giving me this ‘eat sh!t’ stare that made me feel about this big. 
    I felt like saying ‘you self centered douchbags’ 

    Both were o-lineman. One is dead now. Screw him. 


    So they signed it for you, but you didn't like the 'tude they gave you while doing so. Ok.


    I wonder why anyone would get the idea that these guys can't win no matter what they do.

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