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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. 3 minutes ago, nedboy7 said:


    You post that video to make that point?  

    What's next?  TikTok videos that show voter fraud?  My god. 

    The sham committee is made up of patriot republicans.  Something that is dead now thanks to your cult. 




    First of all Democrats and Republicans both suck ass, although as of late the democrats are trying really hard to lay sole claim to that title.  


    This isn't an attempt to prove that any of these individuals are innocent.


    It is however proof of the sham committee and media once again leaving out key parts of what happened on J6 that don't fit their narrative.


    I understand that you might have some difficulty with that level of nuance, but try to follow along.


    The friggin Qanon shaman is the #1 poster boy for the violent Capitol "insurrection" narrative.  


    Yet here in this video it shows...


    Chansley calmly strolling into the senate chamber followed by a Capitol police officer who is doing absolutely nothing to stop him.


    The same capitol police officer asks if they would please leave to which Chansley and another guy calmly respond that they will leave and they are making sure that nobody is disrespecting the place.  Then they say a group prayer.  No violence whatsoever.


    They don't break anything, burn anything, try to injure anyone or do anything at all that can even be remotely called insurrectionist behavior.


    Yet still Chansley is branded as a violent insurrectionist.  They are certainly trespassers who broke the law, but violent insurrectionists?  I'm sorry but if you still cling to that narrative then Orwell wants to have a word....


    “The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”



    • Thank you (+1) 1
  2. I remember seeing this footage of the Qanon shaman awhile back, but it's extremely difficult to find now...I wonder why?  I finally found it buried inside this longer video.  The link starts with the Qanon shaman, aka Jacob Chansley, as he is escorted inside the Senate chamber....by a Capitol police officer.  At one point the officer asks Chansley and a few others milling around:


    "Any chance I can get you guys to leave the Senate wing?"




    And then they pray.


    It's horrific scene of violent bloodthirsty insurrectionists!!!


    Let's show this video at the next prime time hearing shall we? 



    • Awesome! (+1) 1
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  3. 55 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:


    The irony of deflecting by saying I deflected... I know you'll never answer my question but, sure, I'll answer yours.



    I and others have answered those questions ad nauseum in multiple threads over the years.  My post that you responded to was about the Hunter laptop using a Trump / Russia hypothetical to illustrate exactly what was done by the media.


    So yes you did indeed ignore the point of the post you were responding to and then followed up with a deflection.


    55 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:


    1. The media effed up the Hunter Biden laptop. The problem with conspiracy believing morons who make up garbage about their political opponents is that when they actually have something with a grain of truth to it (even if that truth isn't exactly what they are claiming), it gets dismissed into the large pile of BS they've been raging about.


    95% of the media all just "effed up" simultaneously about an easily verifiable story in order to justify censoring it from the public in the weeks before an election?  :lol:


    Just like the FBI "messed up" innocently with all those FISA applications, right?


    All just innocent mistakes that always benefit the left and democrats. It's really strange that all these issues that you chalk up to human error only seem to go in one direction.  17 major "errors" in the FISA IG report and every single one of them allowed the FBI to continue spying on a presidential campaign and sitting President.  Not even one of those non politically motivated "mistakes" went the other way to inhibit the continuance of the spying as you expect they would if they were only simple clerical mistakes and innocent oversights.


    Finally, I love that you take the opportunity here to call someone else a conspiracy theorist. You're totally lost dude.



    55 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:


    2. No.


    "Mistakes" that are purposely hidden from the public about a presidential candidate enriching himself through his sons foreign entanglements.  Even accepting your ridiculous premise that the media simply "effed up" ....the "eff up" still had major influence on the friggin election. You're beyond delusional.

  4. 1 minute ago, ChiGoose said:


    So you're saying that the 2016 Trump campaign did not have numerous contacts with Russians and work with Russians to help the campaign?


    Ignore. Then deflect. How very predictable. 


    1. Did the media writ large and big tech ignore and in some cases outright censor the NY Post reporting on the Hunter Biden laptop in October 2020?


    Yes or no?


    2. In my hypothetical in regard to the media doing the same thing with Trump as with the Biden laptop qualify as election interference?


    Yes or no?





  5. Just now, TSOL said:



    Do you really think a war between the US and China will look like that? A bunch of glamorous infantrymen, tanks and attack choppers valiantly fighting each other til the best man wins? 




    A war between the US and China would be missiles flying thousands of miles across the ocean at each other.  There is no logistics in the world that will have our infantry fighting theirs. We are geographically too far apart.


    A war between us and them would be exclusively long range missiles, and most likely the destruct of civilization. 



    Of course that's what it would look like.


    The point was about how the current militaries in those nations choose to portray themselves.


    Appealing to the woke <10% of your population in your outreach is having the exact expected effect with military recruitment falling well short of quotas in the US.



    5 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

    This US recruitment film is a joke, right?  If its not either start taking Russian and Chinese language lessons or join a well-armed militia being necessary.


    Well it IS a joke, but not intentionally.  Official US Army ad.



  6. 8 minutes ago, B-Man said:



    The FBI Twice Interfered in the 2020 Election to Sabotage Trump. Now What?









    Imagine for a moment that Russia Trump collusion actually happened and was real.


    Now imagine in October 2016 that the story is not reported by 95% of the media and is outright censored by big tech because intelligence officials signed a document saying the story has all the hallmarks of CCP disinformation.  For anyone interested enough to actually read the letter itself, they find that these 50 officials who signed it explicitly state in that letter that they have absolutely zero proof that the story is actual CCP disinformation, just that their "experience" tells them that it might be. This of course matters not one iota to a disingenuous media, who take the letter as proof of a CCP disinformation effort and report that the story can therefore be ignored.   



     The LA Times (for the purpose of this hypothetical is the outlet that broke the story) reporting is banned on all social media platforms and their Twitter account is locked. Huffpost and Axios are reporting on it, but the algorithms squelch widespread sharing. 


    This is exactly what happened with the Hunter Biden laptop story, which was real and verifiable at the time the story broke in the NY Post.


    But let's just forget all about that....there was no election rigging and meddling in 2020!

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  7. As pointed out previously in this forum more than a few times by the real DR and others, the timeline of crossfire hurricane and Trumps if you are listening press conference do not add up.


    We are told that crossfire hurricane was opened based on a tip to the FBI from a FFG (Australia) who recalled a conversation with Papadopoulos earlier in 2016 after he heard Trumps Russia if you're listening comment.


    The problem with that story?


    The FFG called the FBI with the tip on July 26, 2016.


    Trumps infamous press conference was on July 27, 2016.




    Australian diplomat Alexander Downer was spurred to inform the U.S. government about a May 2016 conversation he had in a London wine bar with George Papadopoulos, in which the Trump campaign associate mentioned that Russia might have dirt on former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, after hearing then-candidate Donald Trump say in July 2016, “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails.” But, as the Washington Examiner pointed out, special counsel Robert Mueller and DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz both concluded that Australia informed the United States of this conversation on July 26, 2016, one day before Trump made the comment about Russia

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