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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. Its also amazing that the FBI/DOJ still has an "ongoing investigation" into a laptop they've had for three years. A laptop that journalists were able to independently verify as authentic in a few days.


    Yet the FBI/DOJ could act on "evidence" from the national archives in order to raid the private residence of a former POTUS in a few short months...


    And then leak details of THAT "ongoing investigation" to the press....because the FBI/DOJ doesn't comment on ongoing investigations!

    • Awesome! (+1) 2
  2. 4 hours ago, Buffarukus said:


    so in unison every tech and media company decided a story by the ny post was a russian attempt to disrupt our election and...disrupted our election. some suppressed others eliminated but it took YEARS to even come clean and still waiting on if its "harmless" crackhead stuff with no big guy involvement.


    thats what your going with? 


     but no comment on the cdc covid lies from my reply goose? doctors, experts, medicines, gov reaction, debates. all taken down with swift precision. just so happens gov approved info was all we could see. to concrete to my argument, so we will gloss over that 🧐


    journalists getting fired for reporting that pelosi walked away from cops back towards the intruder. still waiting on the ..facts. ftx arrested right before he had to testify to the public which would be a prosecutors dream. leaks on supreme court rulings but Epstein roster is super locked down. no interviews with the gf? not news worthy i guess. on and on.


    chigoose you claim to be about facts and not biased but do you hear yoirself. is there no concrete evidence. is it all just a coincidence. conspiracy nuts like myself coming up with stories to trick you.


    just stop. say the truth. your ok with it all, or at least willing to mitigate ALOT cause they fooled you with their lies and its for your team. rather then admit my logic you have to hold strong with this bs otherwise some self reflection is in order to people you may have thought as the enemy at some point. the drunken uncles at bbqs were right..about this at least. its a powerful gov with alot of tools at their disposal. extremely rare we get to peak around the curtain by someone brave enough and not yet dead. ask snowden or julian what happens when you give people a glipse. regardless how you feel about them THATS THE OUTCOME of concrete proof. ( no idea why musk is acting erraticly parranoid about his location. BUT ITS NOT A GOOD BUISNESS MOVE!! 🤔) anyways,you have no gut feeling on all this? 3 million paid by fbi to twitter? dont be a billstime man. your alright which is why i keep trying to crack open that walnut to have you see some of this $hi÷. 


    we need everyone on board when it comes to this type of overreach regardless of political leaning. this is the sliver we now know and its pretty bad imo. you mitigate this then so will the otherside. then it will get your full attention im guessing. but i promise if in unison the entire media says trump univeristy actually WAS a excellent college. ill call bs. no proof required.😅




    Smoking guns with the gun barrel shoved up your nostril everywhere....but no "concrete evidence"


    @ChiGoose is the reigning heavyweight hand waving champion for a reason. 


    For those not familiar with the names of key players mentioned below..


    Elvis Chan is an FBI agent.


    James Baker is the former general counsel at FBI, but during this time at Twitter.


    Yoel Roth is Twitters head of "Trust and Safety" :lol:


    Setting up encrypted communication channels between the FBI and Twitter sure sounds like run of the mill everyday nothing to see here type stuff!





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  3. 11 hours ago, ChiGoose said:


    Absolutely anyone can flag Twitter accounts for violating the TOS. Twitter decides what to do with that. Doesn't matter if it's you, or me, or the FBI. The fact that you're spending your time railing against the people flagging the accounts instead of those making the decisions seems weird. Especially since Twitter rejects 60% of the items flagged. I suppose if you want to, you can just pretend that Twitter felt it had to act on the FBI flags despite the evidence showing otherwise (and the fact that, as people have pointed out, Twitter had a lot of ex-FBI people on staff so they would know that the FBI can't make them do anything about accounts).


     So you're for a government agency flagging free speech to get a "private company" to go ahead and censor it.


    Then you're on record as anti 1st ammendment when it's speech you disagree with / "misinformation"



    11 hours ago, ChiGoose said:

    So we have a scenario where the FBI is flagging items (I'll even grant that they flagged things they shouldn't have), Twitter is deciding what to do about them and decides not to do anything about 60% of them (even at one point telling the FBI that if they really want Twitter to actually do anything, they better get a court order because Twitter doesn't have to take something flagged down if they don't want to). The only way that this is censorship is if you just make up what words mean or have no idea what censorship is. 


    The only way it isn't censorship is if you redefine what words mean. Par for the course these days though for the insane left, so zero surprise that you're on board with it.


    11 hours ago, ChiGoose said:


    The frustrating thing to me is that there is a good debate about where to draw the line on the appropriateness of the FBI flagging accounts (not flagging them at all seems like a bad idea to me, having seen the ISIS recruitment on Twitter back on the day), but people just seem to insist on yelling about censorship in a story where all of the evidence points to there not being censorship. It's just Twitter not being good at content moderation (which shouldn't be a surprise to anyone who has used Twitter).


    Here's the "debate" such that it is. The FBI should be looking for actual terrorist threat content like isis recruitment, antifa threats (curious that many of those accounts remained unbothered with the FBI working so hard with Twitter, isnt it?). Actual, real terrorist threats. They have ZERO BUSINESS  flagging anything beyond that. Furthermore it can all be flagged from the Hoover building or FBI field offices and not from agents working right alongside Twitter behind the scenes.


    But again youre fine with government and private interests working in concert to censor American citizens.



    11 hours ago, ChiGoose said:

    Nunes is a nice strawman, but sure, I'll bite. I don't remember the specifics of the claim you're making but I'm sure you have plenty of evidence to share.


    An elected member of Congress carrying out his duties had the DOJ spying on his staff. In other words, while uncovering evidence of the FBI spying on a presidential campaign, the investigators were themselves spied on.


    Hand wave away...




    11 hours ago, ChiGoose said:


    PS: for someone who doesn't know anything, I nailed how weak the Sussman case was and what the probable outcome was. But I'm sure that's just all a deep state plot anyway...



    Here's a bold statement.


    Anyone accused of a crime in the process of going after Trump will be found not guilty by a DC jury.


    Anyone remotely related to the Trump orbit charged with a crime will be found guilty by a DC jury.


    Where's my gold star?

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  4. I canceled direct TV 3 years ago. I still got the Sunday ticket streaming package through friends of mine who had kids in college by asking to use their student email address. Easy peasy.


    After I canceled and I returned my receivers at the local FedEx office the guy at the desk told me they were doing about a dozen returns daily. This was three years ago.  Directv was great in its hey day, but it's a been a dinosaur for awhile now.

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  5. 8 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

    More an allegation than a conspiracy but court testimony and hearing of evidence has started in AZ.




    Court testimony and hearing of evidence starting in AZ is a conspiracy theory as well to leftists.


    Anything outside of parroting that our elections are 100% secure and there's nothing to see here....and you're in conspiracy theory land.



    • Thank you (+1) 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Doc said:


    So...a late Friday before a holiday news dump?  LOL!  How fitting.



    Very fitting indeed. But supposedly it will happen today....although I certainly wouldn't bet on it. What are we on now the 5th delay in releasing the pared down report?


    Never forget that @ChiGoose assured everyone that this report, and most importantly, ALL of the transcripts of "testimony under oath" would be available for everyone  to read for themselves in September. 


    After all the committee is only after uncovering the truth!




    1 hour ago, Doc said:

    It's what we've known all along.  I wonder what else we'll find when the J6 committee committee has their chance?


    We already know how it will be reported at least. THAT partisan committee's findings will be 100% mis/dis-information.  The regime's favorite catch all terms to defend the indefensible. 

    • Haha (+1) 2
  7. Wait, what? You mean Pelosi and team is actually responsible for securing the Capitol?


    Leadership and law enforcement failures within the U.S. Capitol left the complex vulnerable on January 6, 2021. The Democrat-led investigation in the House of Representatives, however, has disregarded those institutional failings that exposed the Capitol to violence that day,” it concluded.


    The GOP report directly challenges security plan for Jan. 6. “Documents provided by the House Sergeant at Arms show how then-House Sergeant at Arms Paul Irving carried out his duties in clear deference to the Speaker, her staff, and other Democratic staff,” it said.

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  8. 15 hours ago, ChiGoose said:

    So you’re still living in the fantasy world where the FBI talked to Twitter about Hunter Biden, something that there is no evidence of, huh?


    And you still have no idea what’s actually going on, or what censorship and coercion actually are? The twitter files show that the FBI censored exactly zero things but somehow you read that as the FBI censoring things because it makes you feel good?


    And then you just project your ignorance to the world and make fun of people who point out the inaccuracies and leaps in poor logic based on no facts?


    It’s like someone made a Dunning-Krueger chat bot and unleashed it on PPP. 

    The FBI being overzealous in flagging election misinformation is not censorship because Twitter makes the decision. Twitter screws that up a lot but if they were kowtowing to the FBI, then how come they reject 60% of the requests?


    A good little fascist repeating regime narrative.




    And you citing Dunning Kruger against others???




    Whatever "expertise" you may have, I can't think of a single person here who overestimates their knowledge in direct correlation with their propensity to lap up regime lies and propaganda more than you.




    Still ignoring Devin Nunes team being spied on question as well I see.


    It's OK, we know that you're waiting for your masters to upload your programmed response on that too. 



    • Vomit 1
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  9. 1 hour ago, Houston's #1 Bills Fan said:

    While I dislike the prices from DirecTV, the advantage that I have is that often I can't watch the game live as my son plays baseball and lacrosse and there's either a game or a practice when the games are on. So, I record the game on my DVR and tell everybody not to text or call me until I have watched the game!!! 


    With streaming, I don't know if there's an ability to record the game and watch later. 


    Yes, they all offer a cloud DVR service.

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