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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. I do give this guy credit for being honest at least. It's exactly what the lunatic left has engaged in for years right here at PPP:


    We can accuse Trump of all sorts of vile things without evidence because in the get Trump world everything is justified 


    Then on the other hand excuse the very same behavior from leftists that is out in the open with the evidence staring you in the face, because again getting rid of Trump ends justify the means.


    To this guy in the clip below...


    If Hunter Bidens basement was literally full of children's dead bodies? He admits he would not care.


    He fully admits the FBI didn't act on the laptop in a timely manner and that there was a leftist media effort to censor the NY Post laptop story.

    Again, admits it happened and is just fine with it.





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  2. If you disapprove of people STEALING...


    Therefore you hate black people...




    You're either trolling or a monumental moron.


    Take your pick fuk c stick.



    19 hours ago, Roundybout said:

    We get it, you don’t like black people and have zero understanding of socioeconomic history. 


    Proof before he deletes it.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  3. Sounds remarkably similar. It's almost as though the FBI has experience running this scam on other people from the outskirts of society. Strange. 


    In 2015 the billstimes and tibs of the board would be accusing the FBI of Islamophobia.....today they cheer it.




    these cases follow a very clear pattern:


    The known facts from this latest case seem to fit well within a now-familiar FBI pattern whereby the agency does not disrupt planned domestic terror attacks but rather creates them, then publicly praises itself for stopping its own plots.


    First, they target a Muslim: not due to any evidence of intent or capability to engage in terrorism, but rather for the “radical” political views he expresses. In most cases, the Muslim targeted by the FBI is a very young (late teens, early 20s), adrift, unemployed loner who has shown no signs of mastering basic life functions, let alone carrying out a serious terror attack, and has no known involvement with actual terrorist groups.


    They then find another Muslim who is highly motivated to help disrupt a “terror plot”: either because they’re being paid substantial sums of money by the FBI or because (as appears to be the case here) they are charged with some unrelated crime and are desperate to please the FBI in exchange for leniency (or both). The FBI then gives the informant a detailed attack plan, and sometimes even the money and other instruments to carry it out, and the informant then shares all of that with the target. Typically, the informant also induces, lures, cajoles, and persuades the target to agree to carry out the FBI-designed plot. In some instances where the target refuses to go along, they have their informant offer huge cash inducements to the impoverished target.


    Once they finally get the target to agree, the FBI swoops in at the last minute, arrests the target, issues a press release praising themselves for disrupting a dangerous attack (which it conceived of, funded, and recruited the operatives for), and the DOJ and federal judges send their target to prison for years or even decades (where they are kept in special GITMO-like units). Subservient U.S. courts uphold the charges by applying such a broad and permissive interpretation of “entrapment” that it could almost never be successfully invoked.

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  4. Or maybe people needing help for "necessities" during a blizzard could just follow the countless examples we are witnessing and rely on the kindness of neighbors for help instead of stealing from local businesses. 


    If you assume that people from poor areas are incapable of this because of the color of their skin then you're a racist.


    Sorry, not sorry. Your rules.

    1 hour ago, Roundybout said:


    What policies do Republicans have that would be better? 


    Maybe when Republicans hold power in every major city for 50 years we can find out what their policies might do.

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  5. 25 minutes ago, KDIGGZ said:

    Hi gang - my store in south buffalo was looted and I can't get to it because there is a driving ban. They smashed in the front door and now I'm concerned the pipes are going to freeze due to the cold. It's been 3 days now and never heard back from the police. Stay safe and keep voting Dem so we can make sure these criminals face zero consequences for their actions!


    Sorry to hear this man.  Hoping for the best outcome here. 


    Let us know when you get to your store and can report on the shape it's in.  Since people are just looking for basic necessities I'm certain that you'll find your store in the exact shape that you left it, just items neatly missing from shelves as if people were shopping normally without giving you money in return.

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