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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. 1 hour ago, ChiGoose said:

    And after reading the transcript, you think you could definitely make those charges stick, given the facts?


    Who cares about making the charges stick?


    They levy the charges on Americans who did far far less than Epps, and then use the full weight and force if the FBI/DOJ to pressure them to plea to something. 


    They didnt do that to Ray Epps and a few others though.


    He was on the most wanted list for 6 months,  his identity was known 3 days after J6 and the FBI did exactly nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zero. Then they quietly scrubbed him from the list when the NYT and Revolver reporting came out. Not suspicious at all!


    On the joke transcript...let's go to where they "grill" Epps about urging people to go into the Capitol and his ridiculous response that he thought the Capitol was open on J6. Have you ever toured the US Capitol? I have. It's beyond belief that his motivation was to ask hundreds if not thousands of people to line up like tourists to go through security to get inside.




    But then again, you'll believe anything that shifts the focus away from obvious legitimate questions about J6 and back to the pre-determined Trump bad 24/7/365 narrative.


    And I'll point out again that you're spending a whole bunch of effort defending an avowed MAGA insurrectionist.....strange. 



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  2. A excerpt from Beatties pt 2 Epps story...


    The details underlying the introductory paragraphs below  sprout dozens of obvious questions for Epps, the FBI and the committee. 


    All remain unasked, unanswered. 


    It must all be Russian disinformation I guess.



    It would be one thing if Epps’s repeated calls on January 5 to “go into the Capitol” had simply amounted to bluster. But Epps followed through on his stated mission to shepherd others inside. In clips 4-6 of the above compilation, we see Epps actively orchestrate elements of the very first breach of the Capitol barricades at 12:50 p.m, while Trump still had 20 minutes left in his rally speech.


    It is noteworthy that this Ray Epps breach occurs just one minute after Capitol Police began responding to reports of two “pipe bombs” located at DNC and GOP headquarters, respectively. Rather conveniently, the already-handicapped Capitol Police thus had still-fewer resources with which to respond to the barricade breach in question.


    While the “pipe bombs” turned out to be a dud, the Ray Epps breach proved fateful. Today, the official stories told by the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and the US Justice Department all depict the apparent Ray Epps-orchestrated 12:50 p.m. initial breach of metal barricades as the “Big Bang” event of January 6.


    In large part, this description is hardly an exaggeration. Indeed, it was the 12:50 p.m. breach of the Capitol grounds, in conjunction with a handful of suspicious individuals ripping down fencing and signage, that set in motion the conditions allowing for 1/6 to turn from a rally into a riot. 


    In this report, we will blow open this network of still-unindicted key operators who appear to have been at work either with or around Ray Epps during the initial Capitol grounds breach. You, dear reader, will be scandalized — though perhaps unsurprised — to learn that none of the actors covered in this report have received attention in the mainstream press, despite their active and indispensable roles in the events of 1/6.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
    • Thank you (+1) 1
  3. 2 minutes ago, Orlando Tim said:

    I am sorry but it is not normal for so many states to stop the count on available ballots before the night is done. We have always had the winner by dawn the following day except for in races decided by incredibly close margins, which was not the case. The 2020 election was a cluster on many levels but that along does not invalidate the election. I acknowledge the 2020 results and expect us there be better in 2024


    Sarcasm. I forgot the ^_^ 

  4. 16 minutes ago, Over 29 years of fanhood said:

    I challenge anyone to read this and not conclude Biden is corrupt AF


    https://www.finance.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/HSGAC - Finance Joint Report 2020.09.23.pdf


    You mean where, among other things, they document with receipts that Hunter Biden received a $3.5 million wire transfer from the wife of the former mayor of Moscow?


    That's just Russian disinformation man!

  5. 7 hours ago, ChiGoose said:

    Explain to me what statute under which Epps should be charged and what the likely outcome of that charge would be. 

    From what I’ve seen, the best you could hope for is trespassing and the chances of success would be low enough that it wouldn’t warrant prosecutorial resources that are already stretched thin. 


    We can start with any or all of these charges that have been levied against those who didn't enter the Capitol.


    Impeding law enforcement officer during civil disorder; knowingly entering and remaining on restricted grounds without lawful authority and/or engaging in disorderly conduct within proximity to a restricted building to impede official functions; engage in disorderly conduct with intent to disturb a hearing before Congress

  6. 6 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

    Its speculation both ways if he was or wasn't on the federal payroll.  Was he or wasn't he an asset?  Why won't the DOJ/FBI answer a simple question?  


    There are lots of examples where people were arrested and didn't enter the Capitol.  As for Epps he did more than incite.  He was also observed removing physical barriers and encouraging others to pass through the police lines.  And if I recall, he was on the governments "most wanted" list for the event but suddenly was removed.  Wouldn't the agency coming clean and telling the truth be better than continuing speculation?  Instead of labeling skeptics conspiracy theorists demand the truth of the government.  





    Epps may very well not be a Fed. But there are an awful lot of questions to be asked and answered before giving him that benefit of the doubt.


    If you haven't read the Darren Beattie pieces, please do. They go into far, far greater detail about Epps and others.


    As for your question about the Epps timeline on the most wanted list and then mysteriously disappearing from it:


    So on January 8, 2021, the FBI begged the public for information regarding the identity of Suspect 16, Ray Epps, and even offered a cash reward.


    The public obliged, and in less than three days, Ray Epps was identified as Suspect 16. Researchers corroborated his identity with troves of unassailable direct evidence, including an effective confession from Epps himself to his own local newspaper.


    Then, for nearly six months, amidst the biggest manhunt in American history, the FBI did nothing with this information. As the FBI did nothing on Epps, it was simultaneously investigating, arresting, raiding and imprisoning hundreds of completely benign MAGA moms and social media trolls — mostly for minor misdemeanor trespassing charges.

    Then, on July 1, between the hours of 3:37 a.m. and 5:55 p.m., the FBI finally took action on Ray Epps. But not to prosecute him, or to announce a sweeping investigation or FBI SWAT raid on Epps’s house for all of his phones and electronics. Instead, someone at the FBI quietly and stealthily purged every trace of Ray Epps from the Capitol Riots Most Wanted database.




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  7. 6 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:

    You’re acting like they didn’t have a warrant and just did it because of political reasons, yet you provide no evidence of such. 


    You act as if the department being investigated turning around and spying on the very investigators looking into them isn't beyond suspicious.


    But six ways to Sunday, right?


    Nothing says commie like defending unelected bureaucrats weilding extraordinary investigative and law enforcement power over elected representatives of the people who we have a mechanism for actually holding responsible.


    You tell 'em Chuckie...



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  8. 45 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:

    Did they spy on him with or without a warrant? Did they have probable cause? Did they break any laws? Was he involved with any aspect of an ongoing investigation?


    Well gee, we aren't sure. But we do have the subpoena from DOJ that allowed them to snoop on members of his team private correspondence. 


    I mean this all happened 5 years ago. Maybe it's still in the "ongoing investigation" bin with Hunters laptop?


    And we all know that they don't comment on ongoing investigations. 






    45 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:


    Maybe, just maybe, the guy who tried to sue a fake cow isn’t the brightest bulb in the pack and got himself involved in something he shouldn’t have. 

    Or is it your opinion that members of Congress should be immune from investigation?



    Let's back up from your handwaving strawmen. Thanks again for those, always fresh.


    Devin Nunes was the chair of the House intelligence committee in 2017.  He and his team were investigating the DOJ / FBi at the time. You know, carrying out part of their oversight responsibilities.


    So a committee in the legislative branch in the process of carrying out their oversight duties of agencies under the executive branch, is spied on by one of those very agencies being investigated..... and your first question is to ask what did the member of the house intelligence committee do wrong?


    Nah, you're not a partisan hack at all.


     It's all just checks and balances, man. You investigate us? We spy on you.

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  9. Once again, facts they don't like are always a "conspiracy theory".


    When they say conspiracy theory then you know you're close to the target.





    It's really wild that despite Ray Epps believing that the Capitol was open on J6, that in the video above he has no problem ignoring the police and breaking through the barricade and running up to the Capitol steps.


    Because, you know, he simply thought the Capitol was open that day. And that answer is quite good enough for the J6 committee!

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    • Haha (+1) 1
  10. 25 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:

    I guess it’s not surprising that instead of reading the interview that basically answers all of the questions, everyone is continuing to just jump to whatever conclusions support their pet theory. 

    Here’s the answers to your questions



    Oh I've read it.


    Reads like a bunch of defense attorneys propping up their client.


    Softball after softball after softball.


    This line of questioning from Schiff was particularly laughable..



    Schiff: what made you think that you might get arrested for urging people to go into the Capitol if you believed the Capitol was open?


    Epps: I don't know it was the heat of the moment thing. I was trying to find common ground with these people and change their minds. It shouldn't have been said, but I said it.


    (yeah, finding common ground by suggesting something that causes the group to call you a Fed.  Can't make it up.)


    Schiff: Now when you say it shouldn't have been said, which part are you referring to, the going into the Capitol, or that it might get you arrested?


    Epps: My being arrested.


    Schiff: okay. Thank you. I yield back.




    Great job Mr. defense attorney!


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