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Posts posted by BillsFanNC

  1. 38 minutes ago, All_Pro_Bills said:

    If I was one of the students I'd respond to the system imposed by the teacher by bringing a crappy lunch to school every day.  There's no incentive to bring anything good because you won't get to eat it.  And that's a demonstration of the fatal flaw of communism in practice.  The focus on some equitable or equal distribution of production or output while ignoring the actual effort and inputs to produce them. 


    Simply, why should anyone work hard to produce 10 units of output when the "system" imposes rules that grant them only 2 units of consumption?  People will learn to dial back their output to 2 units or less which will force a response from the authority to apply coercion, threats, and violence to increase output.  That's why people given the choice and opportunity will flee these authoritarian arrangements. 



    Not to mention when the African American students end up with fried chicken and collards that they didn't bring for lunch. Then its time for the woke commies to eat their own as she gets fired for being racist.

  2. On 8/14/2020 at 4:24 PM, Deranged Rhino said:


    There are a couple things to unpack with this news... I'll try to do that in an effort to answer your question. Barr came out yesterday to say that major developments with the Durham probe would be happening before the election, he then said it would start tomorrow (today) and though it wouldn't be anything "earth shattering" it would show where Durham is headed. 


    Clinesmith was the most "slam dunk" case they had to make based on what's in Open Source, the IG broke the story months ago that Clinesmith literally falsified evidence for the FISA warrants and mentioned he was under investigation for doing so. Thus, it's not "earth shattering" to have this confirmed by a plea deal. But, for those people paying attention to the minutia of the matter (of which there aren't many), going Clinesmith first, and having it be a plea deal, is a big deal. 




    Because of where Clinesmith resides in the chain of command. He was involved in not just the Crossfire Hurricane team and the Mueller team, but also the Clinton email investigation which wrapped up just as CH was beginning. Meaning, he was a "hand picked" member of McCabe and Brennan's "fusion team" (fusion teams consist of personnel from different agencies, in this case FBI and CIA). Clinesmith's plea, and his lawyer's statements today (which are butt covering to the extreme) make it clear he only altered the evidence based on orders from his superiors. 


    Who are his superiors? 


    Moyer/James Baker was his direct boss, but because he was on the CH team, his actual CoC was: Strzok>>>McCabe>>>Brennan/Comey. If (and it's still an "if") Clinesmith rolled over on his chain of command, that means Durham and Barr have cases to make against Strzok, McCabe and the FBI/DOJ teams as well as Brennan and the CIA teams (which bleeds over into the State Department because State Department = CIA in almost every way when it comes to this case). 


    Going back to Barr's original statement last night, if we take this plea as a road map as to where Durham is going then we can summarize Clinesmith is at the bottom of the food chain of perps they're chasing. Meaning the major fish you mentioned are still indeed in legal peril. In other words, from today's events we can reasonably conclude that Durham/Barr are indeed going to go after Sr level personnel in various agencies and, perhaps, the director level of both the CIA and FBI. 


    If I were Comey or Brennan today, I'd feel very uncomfortable. If I were Strzok or McCabe today, I'd be cutting whatever deal I could to roll over on Comey/Brennan. Same goes for Clapper.



    Here's a great example of DR and myself being one and the same. Notice how I make a long winded post under DR, then like the post as BillsFanNC? I always had to take great care never to write long winded post as BillsFanNC so as to not risk blowing my cover.


    This was back when I would switch back and forth between profiles and write a loooong post as DR. Log out. Then log in as BillsFanNC and like my own post. Of course sometimes I'd post something as BillsFanNC, log out, then like or comment as DR. It eventually became so tedious that I had two PCs logged in right next to each other to make it easier.



    • Haha (+1) 1
  3. 1 minute ago, redtail hawk said:

    so why did you answer to Billy's DR dog whistle and ID yourself as him.  More games anddishoestk for fun? hilarious, not.


    Yep. You got me dude. 


    I am DRsGhost!!!


    Did you know that I wrote Contagion?  


    I pumped it out between developing rapid molecular diagnostics and meetings with patent attorneys. It's a great dual career that has paid well.



  4. I love it.


    A simple screen name change, my first I'm 20 years, still has the leftists running around with their hair on fire here.


    First of all the real DR would never consistently tell people to ***** off like I do. His biggest flaw IMO was that he constantly tried to reason with unreasonable people.  I have zero patience for such people.


    Deranged Rhino AFAIK is indeed a writer out west. 


    BillsfanNC joined this board in 2002. After a a few months away from the board  I began posting again in 2021 ish time frame, and I was immediately accused by the morons on this board of being DR. This went on for a few weeks. I was merely the latest "new" poster their paranoid minds latched on to. So I changed my name to DRsGhost, complete with a B&W version of his profile pic. They melted down and still are apparently.  Great stuff!


    BTW as an fyi, if you decide to change your screen name you have to wait 6 months before you can change it back. Therefore my intention of having the name for just a few weeks lasted instead 6 months. I'm glad the stunt still plays on rent free in their empty brain cases.



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  5. Oh.


    So we allowed China to drag its nuts across our forehead knowing full well that China intended to drag its nuts across our forehead well in advance.


    But nobody cares about this.


    What you should really be  paying attention to is when 50 former IC officials sign a letter claiming that completely true and fact based reporting looks like Russian disinformation to them. This, right before an election, deserves your rapt attention.


    Wake the hell up people.



    • Shocked 1
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  6. 22 minutes ago, redtail hawk said:


    Look into ALL of it, right?


    Kushner/Trump AND Biden/Biden?


    I am.


    Look into all of 'em and let it all come out.


    After years of huge bonfires of evidence of malfeasance  around Hunter Biden being widely available, are you on board with a FULL investigation or nah?



    • Thank you (+1) 2
  7. 3 minutes ago, ChiGoose said:

    I don’t even know who this person is 


    Not the point.  Out of the 10 or so examples of clear disinformation spewed out by Nicole Wallace of MSNBC in the clip, you personally have supported many of them as true and likely still do. 


    Formerly, she was comms director at the Bush White House.  Was that before or after you left the GOP?





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  8. 2 minutes ago, SoCal Deek said:

    You do realize that we just launched multiple tactical fighter planes over North America and fired weapons of warfare at unknown objects hovering over our country and Canada…right? Your response: nothing to see here. The government will “sort it out”.


    And by the government sorting it out he means this government, led by democrats.


    Something tells me that his/her/they confidence in the government sorting things out might plummet slightly if it were Republican led.

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  9. 1 hour ago, redtail hawk said:

    You';re either lying now, were lying then or write very poorly.

    Why would I blindly accept your claims on anything?  Last response to you.


    JFC. And you're an MD?


    Did not our current President among other high ranking officials state over and over and over that if you get the vaccine you cannot get covid and therefore cannot transmit covid?


    Yes they did. 


    This is wrong. Period. No vaccine is 100% effective first of all, and respiratory virus vaccines are not expected to be even close. Can vaccines slow spread on a public health level? Yes of course. But to tell the public that if you get the vaccine you will not get covid was, is, and always will be wrong. It is wrong because if you get the vaccine you may very well get covid anyway. If you get covid, you can transmit it to others whether you're vaccinated or not.


    Why is this so hard to understand? We all saw this play out before our eyes over the last few years.


    You are either being purposely obtuse or you are indeed a moron. Should have stayed for the dual MD/ PhD. Because as an MD you're embarrassing yourself. 



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  10. 17 minutes ago, redtail hawk said:

    do you ever actually read any scholarly journals and original papers?  I'm wondering if you even hold a bachelors degree

    re transmission of virus:  https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-022-31494-y.  There are other studies that don't show benefit but you can't, out of hand dismiss the ones that do!

    re protection from infection:  I've presented the US data from the CDC on cases and the significant decrease in cases for those vaxed



    I never argued against anything in the paper linked.


    And yes I read them. I even have authored them. How about you?


    The fact remains that the vax never achieved 100% efficacy. Only morons would argue such. Yet we had government officials telling the public that if they get the vaccine then they won't get covid or transmit it. Media outlets censored actual scientists who pushed back against this false narrative. 


    You are a moron. I have peer reviewed publications and patents in vaccine development, specifically influenza. You know another

    respiratory virus. How about you?


    Umm yeah.






    17 minutes ago, redtail hawk said:

    Finally, I don't like fox.  I think they are unethical and purposefully intermingle news and opinion to cloud issues.

    It's pointless to argue science with someone who cannot interpret of accept data.  done with you.


    I have no idea what they're thinking but this statement from the article sheds light on their level of concern:  “We are monitoring the situation closely and awaiting more data. But anyone who is younger and has recently been vaccinated with Nuvaxovid need not be concerned. The risk is very low, and you can continue with the next dose with another vaccine,” said Sören Andersson, head of the Vaccination Programme Unit, in a statement published on the health agency’s website.


    You're a moron.


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